What’s the price of no mean tweets? Roughly $175 per month for your average American family.

That’s enough to make me want to go to a Jets football game and voice my opinion about Gropey Joe Biden. Unfortunately, now I can’t afford it.

If you eat, you’ve noticed inflation has taken a toll on your grocery bill. Experts expect prices will continue to rise well into 2022.

In my neighborhood, gas is up $1 per gallon since Trump left office. I consider myself lucky, as $3.19 per gallon isn’t bad considering the gouging that’s taking place in California.

Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, claims households with a median income of $70,000 are spending $175 per month more to buy necessities like gas and groceries. That’s $2,100 per year.

Biden’s inflation effectively wipes out a lot if not all of the gains many Americans received from Trump’s tax cuts. Let’s go, Brandon!

What’s $2,100 Anyway?

Here are some things you could have spent that $2,100 on:

  • two new iPhones
  • Dog food to last you eight and a half years
  • one Gucci bag
  • 161.6 “F*ck Joe Biden” flags (while supplies last)
Biden’s Inflation

Inflation is at a 30-year high and is expected to continue into 2022. Moody’s Analytics blames insane government spending and supply shortages for the inflation situation.

As of this writing, there are more than 100 ships at anchor outside of American ports; there are approximately 500,000 cargo containers outside of Los Angeles alone. A shortage of truck drivers is hurting us as well.

Of course, toilet paper is again being rationed at some retail stores, including Costco. Even the beloved Dollar Tree chain is raising its prices due to Biden’s inflation. Is nothing sacred in Biden’s America?

The president’s approval rating is now at 38%, an all-time low for Brandon Biden.

Look on the bright side…well, let me get back to you on that.

Source: PJ Media

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