Joe Biden is willing to deny American energy independence while lining his own pockets to get energy to the Communist Party in China. That’s what we know from Hunter Biden’s laptop and the Bidens’ business partner Tony Bobulinski.

Remember that as you fill up your SUV or work truck with $7-per-gallon gas.

As that receipt spits out of the pump near the “I did that” Joe Biden sticker, ask yourself: whose side are these people on anyway?

Now that the New York Times has confirmed to its satisfaction the provenance of Hunter Biden’s laptop, something the New York Post reported before the 2020 election, remember that the Gray Lady also acknowledges the veracity of the Hunter Biden emails.

Hunter Biden was working with the “big guy” (his dad) to get blockbuster deals for liquified natural gas and cobalt mines for China. His dad, then the Vice President of the United States, lied when he said he didn’t know what his son was working on.

Indeed, before Joe Biden left the vice president’s mansion and bought one of his own on the water in Delaware, he was cut in on Hunter’s business dealings, according to Bobulinski, who met with the elder Biden to talk business. Hunter was the rainmaker of the family using his dad’s connections. That much is clear from Hunter’s own emails, according to the Post, which reported Bobulinski’s confirmation that Joe Biden lied about not knowing Hunter’s deals. Said Bobulinski:

“I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business. They said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line …”

“I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain, and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from Communist-controlled China.” [Emphasis added]

The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland writes that the timing of the deals could not have been more suspicious.

… Hunter Biden’s joint global equity firm, the Bohai Harvest Equity Investment Fund, had helped coordinate the purchase by a Chinese mining company of the world’s largest cobalt source in the Congo.

That deal gave China control over a huge chunk of the world’s known cobalt supplies — an ingredient necessary to make electric car batteries. And the role of Hunter Biden’s company, Bohai, in the transaction again connects directly to Joe Biden, as Hunter reportedly launched that new joint enterprise with Chinese business partners less than two weeks after he traveled to China on Air Force Two with his then-vice president father. [Emphasis added]

Hunter’s deal for the cobalt plant took place in 2016, four years before his dad ran for the presidency, promising a push for the Green New Deal and more electric cars in need of batteries.

The Post reported that Joe Biden was vice president when the deal was struck.

Hunter Biden’s investment firm helped broker a 2016 deal that gave a Chinese state-backed company control of a massive African mine rich in cobalt — a mineral essential for the production of electric car batteries.

The deal, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon during the 2020 presidential campaign, was spotlighted by the New York Times Saturday as Congress inches closer to approving President Biden’s $2 trillion social spending plan, which earmarks billions of dollars to promote electric vehicles.

As we now know from the Hunter Biden emails contained in Miranda Devine’s book, Laptop From Hell, Joe Biden was sharing the wealth from the family business through common accounts, commingling of funds, and out-and-out kickbacks for “the big guy.” Joe Biden’s spokesman said at the time that he knew nothing of the arrangement his son’s firm made for the cobalt mine.

In another deal, Hunter and Jim Biden worked together with one of the top spooks in China to bring the communist regime liquified natural gas (LNG), something frowned upon by Joe’s Green New Deal.

Hunter Biden set up a company to be the American front for the Chinese firm CEFC, run by one of China’s spies working for the Communist Party. When the Trump Administration’s Justice Department began investigating the deal, it discovered that the Chinese head of the company, Ye Jianming, was a top spy and billionaire whom Hunter bragged “who had more money than God.” He’s been “disappeared” by the communist regime now.

The Post reported that the cash from the energy deal would be distributed this way:

“The equity will be distributed as follows,” wrote Gilliar, listing the shares in percentages.

“20 H [Hunter]

“20 RW [Walker]

“20 JG [Gilliar]

“20 TB [Bobulinski]

“10 Jim [Biden]

“10 held by H for the big guy.”

Three years later, Bobulinski would tell the world that “there is no question” that “the big guy” is Joe Biden.

According to the book Laptop From Hell, that deal fell through during the Trump Administration’s Justice Department investigation.

Just remember who’s making bank on deals for other regimes, including Ukraine, while the energy independence America achieved under President Trump has been squandered for Joe’s “new world order“.

Whose side are these people on? Not yours. Duh.

Source: PJ Media

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