Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City reality television show features a woman who is accused of running a cult and another who faces federal charges for running an allegedly fraudulent telemarketing scheme, but sure, that Asian lady who called out Black Lives Matter during the riots of 2020 is the real problem with the show.

Jennie Nguyen, a successful business owner, who came to the U.S. as a refugee from Vietnam at the age of seven, was fired from the Bravo show this week when activists got a hold of posts from a deleted Facebook page and, being snowflakes, demanded that Housewives executive producer Andy Cohen fire her.

The Housewives Salt Lake cast members ironically hold up snowflakes as their franchise logo. Bravo took back the mother of three’s snowflake. They probably melted it with a hairdryer manned by Jen Shah’s glam squad.

To fully appreciate how dumb a move this is, let us revisit the BLM riots, shall we? Obviously, Bravo needs a refresher.

Between BLM and their Antifa wingmen, their riots caused billions of dollars of damage, lives were destroyed, police officers murdered, and businesses burned around the country in retaliation for the actions of a Minneapolis cop who put his knee on fentanyl and meth-addled George Floyd’s back, neck, and shoulder to subdue the man who was resisting arrest for passing fake $20 bills. The store clerk called the cops. The police officer, Derek Chauvin, will be cooling his heels in state prison for the rest of his life unless he’s granted a retrial.

The Grio reported that the memes she posted were “racist.” You be the judge.

The last meme is mean. But do people get fired for this stuff? On woke Bravo you do. But running a cult and ripping off old people is fine and good for ratings.

I watch the show, as I do all of the versions of the Bravo Housewives franchise so you don’t have to. You could say I am a bit of a subject matter expert on the issue —  you’re welcome! — and this is one of the dumber things Bravo has done in an attempt to get rid of women who have politically impure thoughts that have not been approved by Lefty Andy Cohen.

Erika Jayne Girardi has routinely threatened people with physical harm on the program. But she’s still there. Droves of fans are watching the slow-moving legal train wreck heading straight for the popular glamour puss of a Housewife.

Her now ex-husband is iconic LA lawyer Tom Girardi, who faces lawsuits for allegedly ripping off his clients and possibly spending some of those millions on Erika’s entertainment career. Erika, who used to travel with a “glam squad” everywhere, is now slowly going broke and fans are “here for it!”

The Real Housewives of New Jersey has been populated by cast members and friends who admitted being part of the mob. One couple went to prison.

But putting a political toe out of line is a toe too far for Bravo’s Cohen, who has intentionally and predictably seeded his shows with wokeness over the past three or so years.

To wit, there was a desperate attempt to get some girl-on-girl action on the show a couple of seasons back on the Orange County franchise. It backfired spectacularly when Cohen hired a thirsty, married Housewife with a passel of kids. Braunwyn Windham-Burke, surprise, surprise came out as gay during the show. She left her husband and the kids to serial-date women. She was such an unlikeable phony that she nearly tanked the show. But not before “OG from the OC” Vicki Gunvalson was fired, when it appears she wouldn’t overtly embrace the woke storylines. Reckless mean-girl Kelly Dodd was also given the heave-ho when she dared voice other-than-Leftist political talking points on the show. She was called a racist for being overheard saying she didn’t know many black men. She refused to wear a mask, ticking off the tsk-tsking pandemic scolds. She later married a reporter from Fox News. She’ll never work on the franchise again.

The longer the franchises – Atlanta, Potomac, Miami, Orange County, New Jersey, New York, Beverly Hills, and Salt Lake City – have lasted, the more woke box-checking is done to make sure Andy’s political and cultural views and those of his good buddy, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, are kept front and center. Dissenters are routinely fired or undergo virtual public floggings. They must kiss Cohen’s ring.

Nguyen and her family spent years in a refugee camp when pirates swarmed their get-away boat and dumped them, homeless, in Thailand. The woman was literally kidnapped by pirates. Do you think she’s going to sweat this blip in her life?

Journalist Andy Ngo, whose family also escaped from Vietnam after the communist take-over and also spent time in a refugee camp, noted that some of Nguyen’s posts deplored anti-Asian hate crimes. That too was perceived as racist.

Nguyen was castigated by her castmate, who’s going to trial for defrauding old people, for not being contrite enough over her long-ago deleted Facebook memes. The country was being set on fire when she posted these things. BLM is a grifting extortion racket — “Give me money or the country gets it” is their apparent motto — and the college-educated woman says it’s all BS. She deserves a gold star for paying attention.

Housewives have thrown sex toy parties, routinely gotten blackout drunk, accused each other of taking drugs, gotten involved in shaky business ventures, made stuff up about each other, built castles to fête themselves, faked parts of their lives to make themselves sound more interesting to producers, turned over tables at restaurants, and — hey, wait a minute, why do I still watch this dreck?

Bravo’s Cohen is ruining his own show because he thinks “real” is woke.

Source: PJ Media

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