An American Airlines passenger jet approaches to land at LAX during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Los Angeles, California, U.S., April 7, 2021. REUTERS/Mike Blake

September 8, 2021

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Major U.S. airlines plan to announce on Thursday that they will back a voluntary industry target of using 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel in 2030 as the White House looks to reduce aviation sector emissions, sources told Reuters.

Airlines for America, an industry trade group, in March had set a 2030 goal of using 2 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). SAF, made from feedstocks such as used cooking oil and animal fat, at present accounts for only a miniscule amount of overall jet fuel use. The group declined to comment Wednesday. A White House virtual event on sustainable aviation is set for Thursday, industry and government officials said.

(Reporting by David Shepardson, Jarrett Renshaw, Stephanie Kelly and Allison Lampert; Editing by Leslie Adler)

Source: One America News Network

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