Congress Could Nearly Double U.S. Border Budget With $40 Billion They’re Sending Ukraine

Congress refuses to address our own crises, virtue-signaling about aid to Ukraine without ensuring the money falls into the proper hands.

Congress Wants To Charge You Billions For Earmarks And Call It A Budget

The American people will be left with $4 billion in needless spending that is virtually meaningless to the average individual.

Most Cities’ Responses To Homelessness Actually Enable Even More Homelessness

Housing First fails because it doesn't address root causes of homelessness: unaddressed mental illness and substance use disorders.

With Inflation At Its Highest In Decades, Congress Works To Shovel Trillions More Out...

Congress should use the omnibus to vacuum up its unnecessary spending, to control both our national debt and runaway inflation. Yeah, right.

Republicans Should Force Democrats To Vote On The Full $5 Trillion Build Back Bankrupt

The Republicans asked CBO to provide the costs of extending all the programs for the entire ten-year budget window—and the results proved shocking.

Why Do Senate Republicans Want To Help Democrats Raise The Debt Limit—Again?

Most Republican lawmakers want to see the debt limit raised, so long as they don’t have to take public responsibility for their complicity.

A Republican Vote To Raise The Debt Limit Is A Vote For Democrats’ $3.5...

If Republicans vote for a debt limit increase, they own the reconciliation bill — all of it, including its tax hikes, spending, and predictable inflation.

Our $28 Trillion National Debt Is Coming Due

All this means a lot of pain. Given how quickly our debt is increasing, that pain isn’t just in store for distant future generations.

Democrats Angry Debt Limit Might Pause Their Overspending Spree

Republican lawmakers’ profligacy does not give Democrats carte blanche to pursue even more reckless levels of spending by lifting the debt limit.

This Ruling Might Ultimately Torpedo Democrats’ Dangerous Legislative Agenda

An advisory opinion from an obscure official may complicate the Biden administration's efforts to push trillions of dollars in new taxes and spending.



Bitcoin and Ethereum Consolidate Losses, Recovery Could...

Bitcoin price declined heavily below the USD 19,500 support. BTC even settled below the USD 19,000 level. It is currently (11:20 UTC) consolidating losses above the USD 18,500 level.

‘Crypto for good’: This community doesn’t just...

This crypto project says it offers more exciting products than old-fashioned banks — and empowers individuals to take control of their financial future

Short Bitcoin Funds See Record Inflows

Capital is flowing into short bitcoin (BTC) funds at a record rate, while regular long bitcoin funds continue to see outflows.

Oregon Prepares Its American Indian Students For...

When states like Oregon put equity over quality, students suffer, no matter how little tuition they pay.

After 35 Years Of Marriage, We’re Still...

To be happily married after 35 years and still chase each other around the living room, this milestone is a proud accomplishment.