
Arguing Anti-Semitic Attacks On Jews ‘Are A Gift To The Right,’ NYT Columnist Proves...

Michelle Goldberg, an opinion columnist for The New York Times who is in a constant gun battle with The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin for most

What IS Proportional? The Madness Of Condemning Israel’s ‘Disproportionate’ Use Of Self-Defense Against Terrorism

Responding to a barrage of thousands of rockets against Jewish civilians launched by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad from the Gaza Strip, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have executed hundreds of precise strikes against terrorist targets.

OPINION: The Blood Of Afghanistan Will Be On Joe Biden’s Hands

With Biden at the helm, the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a colossal, unmitigated disaster. Within days, a resurgent Taliban have taken control of the country, and have now formed a blockade around the airport, reportedly preventing American and Afghan citizens from escaping. And with thousands gathered at the airport, more violence has broken […]

Reclaiming Civil Society: From Voluntary Servitude To ‘Parallel Polis’

In an important article in the October issue of The Atlantic titled “The New Puritans,” Anne Applebaum takes eloquent aim at a growing illiberalism that has colonized large parts of civil society. It is dominated, Applebaum argues, by an arbitrary censoriousness, “ritualized apologies,” and “public sacrifices.” The ugly scenes it gives rise to are not […]

OPINION: The Unemployment Problem Of This Generation

As COVID lockdowns begin to wane and job openings return, workers aren’t returning to the workforce at the rate many had expected, even as restaurants and bars are ready for more customers and longer hours. The Wall Street Journal discussed the lack of people returning to the workforce despite unemployment rates and job openings. “More […]

OPINION: At Woke ESPN, The Politically Correct Devour One Of Their Own 

For years, the level-headed individuals on the Right have been predicting that the wave of “wokeness” will inevitably eat their own. Every move made, every statement uttered, every small human error will be analyzed throughout the history of time until everyone has been canceled and we’re made to build back from the ashes. No one […]

Dems’ Push For Fed Control Of All Elections Is Going Nowhere

Early this summer, Senate Democrats tried to advance H.R. 1, a sweeping bill designed to launch a partisan federal takeover of America’s elections. They failed to win over even every Democrat in Congress. Now, they are offering a bill they’ve dubbed the Freedom to Vote Act, though a more honest name would be the Freedom to Cheat […]

Taking Woke Education To Court

Free speech rights for students have always been a difficult issue because schools have unique needs and concerns. But whether it was black armbands to protest the Vietnam War or a picture of Jesus in an art class, courts have consistently recognized that the First Amendment does not stop at the schoolhouse door. Unless, that is, you live in […]

OPINION: Michael Strahan Owes Country Music Fans an Apology for Calling Them Racists

Country music fans are racists. That’s the conclusion Good Morning America host Michael Strahan came to after sitting down with Morgan Wallen in the singer’s first interview since he was caught on camera calling a white friend the n-word. Strahan noted that, though Wallen’s agency dropped him, his record label suspended him, country radio stations […]

Forget Medicaid Expansion. Congress Is Pushing A Medicaid Takeover.

Forget Medicaid expansion. Congress is pushing a Medicaid takeover. That’s the unspoken reality of Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending bill, a major part of which concerns the federal low-income health care program. While the bill is being sold as a means of providing coverage to millions more people, it would fundamentally change a big part of Medicaid […]



Bitcoin and Ethereum Consolidate Losses, Recovery Could...

Bitcoin price declined heavily below the USD 19,500 support. BTC even settled below the USD 19,000 level. It is currently (11:20 UTC) consolidating losses above the USD 18,500 level.

‘Crypto for good’: This community doesn’t just...

This crypto project says it offers more exciting products than old-fashioned banks — and empowers individuals to take control of their financial future

Short Bitcoin Funds See Record Inflows

Capital is flowing into short bitcoin (BTC) funds at a record rate, while regular long bitcoin funds continue to see outflows.

Oregon Prepares Its American Indian Students For...

When states like Oregon put equity over quality, students suffer, no matter how little tuition they pay.

After 35 Years Of Marriage, We’re Still...

To be happily married after 35 years and still chase each other around the living room, this milestone is a proud accomplishment.