
If China’s Pushing For U.S. Involvement In Ukraine, Chances Are It’s A Bad Idea

China's push for U.S. military engagement in Ukraine should signal to Washington's elite that such a policy is a disaster waiting to occur.

Virtue-Signaling Elites Who Don’t Care About China’s Abuses Don’t Really Care About Human Rights

Since Russia first invaded Ukraine, American elites have taken the concept of virtue signaling to a whole new level.

Biden Must Answer For The Disaster In Kabul

No one is debating the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The question is, why did the withdrawal devolve into a horrifying disaster?

Ukraine’s War Highlights Again That Men And Women Are Different, And We Need Them...

Civilization would not be strengthened if women were expected to fight in numbers equal to men, leaving vulnerable children.

Dutch Government Launches Canadian-Style Crackdown On Farmer Protests

Dutch farmers have been engaged in a nationwide protest against their government's arbitrary new climate policies.

The Most Humane Goal For Ukraine Is The Quickest Negotiated Settlement Possible

It is not 'appeasement' of Putin to try to find a negotiated way out of the war. It is elementary humaneness -- and hard-headed realism.

The U.S. And NATO Have No Strategy To Aid Ukraine And Defeat Russia

The confusion over providing fighter jets to Ukraine underscores a dangerous reality: NATO has no end-game and no off-ramps for this war.

Hong Kong Uses Covid Excuse To Extinguish Citizens’ Last Remaining Freedoms

A revamped Hong Kong policy seeks to ensure that people who have tested positive do not leave their homes without government authorization.

Western Leaders Who Cry ‘Undemocratic’ And ‘Authoritarian’ Should Look In The Mirror

‘Liberal values,’ unsurprisingly, seem to be more closely tied to political ideology than to individual liberties or pandemic responses.

After Killing U.S. Energy Production, The Biden Administration Is Negotiating With Venezuelan Terrorists For...

A U.S. delegation traveling to Venezuela is the latest example of foreign policy malpractice from the Biden administration.



Bitcoin and Ethereum Consolidate Losses, Recovery Could...

Bitcoin price declined heavily below the USD 19,500 support. BTC even settled below the USD 19,000 level. It is currently (11:20 UTC) consolidating losses above the USD 18,500 level.

‘Crypto for good’: This community doesn’t just...

This crypto project says it offers more exciting products than old-fashioned banks — and empowers individuals to take control of their financial future

Short Bitcoin Funds See Record Inflows

Capital is flowing into short bitcoin (BTC) funds at a record rate, while regular long bitcoin funds continue to see outflows.

Oregon Prepares Its American Indian Students For...

When states like Oregon put equity over quality, students suffer, no matter how little tuition they pay.

After 35 Years Of Marriage, We’re Still...

To be happily married after 35 years and still chase each other around the living room, this milestone is a proud accomplishment.