
University Of Colorado Sued For Religious Discrimination In Vaccine Mandate

Sixteen students and faculty joined an ongoing lawsuit last week in partnership with the Thomas More Society alleging religious discrimination.

Obsessing Over ‘The Health Of The Nation’ Conjures Some Very Dark Places

Hatred of vaccine dissidents expresses itself first in marginalization and demonization. Then it advances to punishment. It's about more than public health.

In Fascist Move, Biden Administration To Force Vaccine Mandates On Private Companies

The Biden administration will force private-sector employers to mandate all of their workers either get the COVID-19 shot or produce a negative test weekly.

What Did Fauci Know And When? His Emails Point To Panic, Lies, And A...

Fauci knew COVID-19 likely came from the Wuhan lab. He knew the virus “looked engineered." And he knew all this on February 1, 2020.

Indiana Parents Sue Governor Over COVID Rules: ‘These Are Healthy Kids They’re Quarantining…And We’re...

‘Just the psychological pressure these kids are facing, they don’t have that ability to really fight for themselves,’ says Indiana father of four Mike Bell.

Walensky Doing Biden’s Booster-Shot Bidding Shows It’s Never Been About ‘The Science’

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky overruled one of her agency's panels on Friday to align herself with Biden's goals for COVID-19 booster shots.

Ron DeSantis: ‘We Chose Freedom Over Fauci-ism’ And Were Better For It

'In Florida, we chose freedom over Fauci-ism,' Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Fox News Thursday to Laura Ingraham.

Stanford Faculty Smear Professor Who Accurately Summarized Data On Masks

Open scientific discourse is especially critical during a public health crisis such as a pandemic. It is troubling when scientists try to limit debate.

Why Did Pfizer Delay Good Vaccine News Until After The 2020 Election?

CEO Albert Bourla’s team stored, rather than immediately tested, the nasal swabs taken from participants Pfizer researchers suspected were infected.

Emails Show Fauci Downplayed NIH Funding Of Gain Of Function Research At Wuhan Lab

Dr. Anthony Fauci knew about U.S. funding for the gain of function research occurring at the Wuhan lab in China but downplayed its role in the COVID-19 pandemic, new emails show.



Bitcoin and Ethereum Consolidate Losses, Recovery Could...

Bitcoin price declined heavily below the USD 19,500 support. BTC even settled below the USD 19,000 level. It is currently (11:20 UTC) consolidating losses above the USD 18,500 level.

‘Crypto for good’: This community doesn’t just...

This crypto project says it offers more exciting products than old-fashioned banks — and empowers individuals to take control of their financial future

Short Bitcoin Funds See Record Inflows

Capital is flowing into short bitcoin (BTC) funds at a record rate, while regular long bitcoin funds continue to see outflows.

Oregon Prepares Its American Indian Students For...

When states like Oregon put equity over quality, students suffer, no matter how little tuition they pay.

After 35 Years Of Marriage, We’re Still...

To be happily married after 35 years and still chase each other around the living room, this milestone is a proud accomplishment.