The documentary “Ethereum: The Infinite Garden,” which will feature Vitalik Buterin, has raised a total of 1,035.96 ETH ($1.9 million), surpassing its funding target of 750 ETH.

  • The filmmakers say the project will be the first feature-length documentary about Ethereum, and will include interviews with people involved in the development of the world computer, including Buterin and Aya Miyaguchi, the executive director of the Ethereum Foundation.
  • Fundraising for the documentary took place over three days on the crowdfunding site Mirror and ended July 16.
  • Producers will also be working with pplpleasr to drop a series of Infinite Garden non-fungible tokens (NFT) tied to select on-screen credits in the film.
  • Film production company Optimist is behind the documentary.

Source: Coindesk

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