Actress Florence Pugh said she’s done talking about her “sex scenes” in her upcoming movie “Don’t Worry Darling” with Harry Styles, and wants people to focus on the entire film instead.

The 26-year-old actress spoke to Harper’s Bazaar magazine about the NSFW scenes with herself and Styles in the trailer for the movie, which have generated a lot of attention, and said that the “people who made it are bigger and better than that.”

“When it’s [the film] reduced to your sex scenes, or to watch the most famous man in the world go down on someone, it’s not why we do it,” the actress shared. “It’s not why I’m in this industry.”

“Obviously, the nature of hiring the most famous pop star in the world, you’re going to have conversations like that,” she added. “That’s just not what I’m going to be discussing because [this movie is] bigger and better than that. And the people who made it are bigger and better than that.”

In the upcoming psychological thriller, Pugh plays Alice Chambers, wife of Styles’ character, Jack Chambers.

A description of the film on IMDb reads, “A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company may be hiding disturbing secrets.”

The “Black Widow” star also reflected on the coverage of her relationship in 2019 with actor/director Zach Braff, who was 21 years older. The two quietly ended things earlier this year, the outlet noted.

“Whenever I feel like that line has been crossed in my life, whether it’s paparazzi taking private moments, or moments that aren’t even real, or gossip channels that encourage members of the public to share private moments of famous people walking down the street, I think it’s incredibly wrong,” Florence told the outlet.

“I don’t think that people, just because they have this job, that every aspect of their life should be watched and written about,” she added. “We haven’t signed up for a reality TV show.”

Source: Dailywire

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