Hours after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation on Tuesday, MSNBC’s fake news propagator Chuck Todd wasted no time speculating about the politician’s return. Suggesting that Cuomo would heroically rise from ashes in time for a 2024 presidential bid, Todd implied that resignation was Cuomo’s only option if he planned to make a comeback.

“His career was either permanently over or almost permanently over, and he chose the path of almost permanently over. He eventually did something that over time will give him an opening to not be a full pariah in the [Democratic] party, say in three, four, or five years,” Todd said, adding that he expects Cuomo to “live to fight another day” and run for office again in the future.

Todd mentioned Cuomo’s long political history, asking, “What would he do without the ability to run for office?”

“Think about what Andrew Cuomo’s done his whole life. He’s been a professional politician his whole life, either working on campaigns for his father, working in the Clinton administration, or running for office himself. This is all he’s known,” Todd said.

Todd failed to mention the numerous sexual assault claims Cuomo received against him during his time as a “professional politician.” While Cuomo has been in politics for over a decade, Todd’s speculation about a comeback is premature, as many are still seeking justice for Cuomo’s crimes, let alone predicting his return to the political sphere.

By resigning, Cuomo will still have the chance to run for political office in the future. Many politicians are calling for Cuomo’s arrest, noting that his actions were definitionally criminal and should bar him from holding future positions of power.

Source: The Federalist

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