Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted of all charges on Friday after he defended himself against rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the summer of rage last year, said Tuesday the corrupt corporate media’s lies about his actions are “sickening” and “a disgrace.”

“It’s actually quite hysterical how nobody can go back and look at the facts of the case. ‘Across state lines.’ False. ‘He’s a white supremacist.’ False. None of that is true, and the lies that they can just get away with spreading is just sickening and it’s a disgrace to this country,” Rittenhouse said in an exclusive interview with Tucker Carlson on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Rittenhouse said newsrooms around the world promoted false narratives about him that spread quickly despite their lack of veracity.

“To be honest Tucker, this case has nothing to do with race and never had anything to do with race,” Rittenhouse explained. “It had to do with the right to self-defense.”

Rittenhouse turned himself in and said that he believes “part of the reason I think I was arrested just because of the mob mentality.”

Even President Joe Biden smeared him, which Rittenhouse also addressed in his interview.

“Mr. President, if I could say one thing to you, I would urge you to go back and watch the trial and understand the facts before you make a statement,” Rittenhouse said. “…It’s actual malice, defaming my character for him to say something like that.”

Later, Rititenhouse added that he’s “not a racist person” and actually “support[s] the BLM Movement.”

“I support peacefully demonstrating, and I believe there needs to be change. I believe there’s a lot of prosecutorial misconduct, not just in my case, but in other cases. And it’s just amazing to see how much a prosecutor can take advantage of somebody. Like if they did this to me, imagine what they could have done to a person of color who doesn’t maybe have the resources I do or is not widely publicized like my case,” Rittenhouse noted. 

As the teen previously recounted in his trial, he was merely defending himself, but he was defamed as a racist and white supremacist by the leftist mob.

“It wasn’t Kyle Rittenhouse on trial in Wisconsin, it was the right to self-defense on trial. And if I was convicted, no one would ever be privileged to defend their life against attackers. Thank God they came to the correct verdict of not guilty,” Rittenhouse said.

Self-defense, Rittenhouse noted, was truly necessary the night he was in Kenosha.

“I didn’t really think [the police] got the support they needed. The national guard should have been called on August 23 but the city of Kenosha failed the community. The governor, Tony Evers, failed the community, and there should have been a lot more resources to help with that,” Rittenhouse said.

When Carlson asked what would have happened if there wasn’t as much video evidence, Rittenhouse said, “I don’t think we’d be sitting here right now having this talk, Tucker.”

Despite the positive outcome in his trial, Rittenhouse said corporate media’s malfeasance needs accountability and hinted that his lawyers will be pursuing further action against outlets that tainted his name.

“This wasn’t a political case. It shouldn’t have been a political case. It was made a political case. It had nothing to do with race and the ways people are twisting this, it’s just sickening,” Rittenhouse said. “…What if somebody snuck their way onto my jury to convict me. So that was something that always went through my head, but I know where I stand, I know I defended myself.”

On returning to normal, Rittenhouse said he worries about getting a job or even going in public without being harassed, but he’s determined to get his degree in either nursing or law.

“I’m hoping that people go back and understand the facts and be like, watch the trial. Watch the prosecutorial misconduct that I believe happened and realize that I was an innocent 17-year-old who was violently attacked and defended myself,” he said. “Apparently, a lot of people on the left, it’s criminal to want to protect your community.”

“Are you confident that the government will protect you from these threats because that’s, of course, the government’s job?” Carlson asked.

“I hope so, but we all know how the FBI works,” Rittenhouse said. 

Rittenhouse, who claims he is a naturally calm person, said he believes “God’s been on my side from the beginning.”

Source: The Federalist

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