The White House orchestrated secretive meetings with corporate media newsrooms to spin the nation’s economic crisis in favor of President Joe Biden and his administration, a new report suggests.

“Scoop,” the “Reliable Sources” newsletter displayed in red, bold print above the section describing the secretive meetings. “White House quietly tries to reshape economic coverage.”

According to the newsletter authored by CNN’s Oliver Darcy, the Biden administration is less than happy with the corporate media’s reporting on the U.S. economic crisis including rising prices, underwhelming job reports, and continuing supply chain problems. As reflected in recent polling, Americans across the political spectrum are growing increasingly concerned with the nation’s economic turmoil and will be considering its effects when they head to the polls in the 2022 midterms.

Because of this, Darcy claims that multiple “senior White House and admin officials- including NEC Deputy Directors David Kamin and Bharat Ramamurti, along with Ports Envoy John Porcari- have been briefing major newsrooms over the past week.”

“The officials have been discussing with newsrooms trends pertaining to job creation, economic growth, supply chains, and more,” Darcy wrote. “The basic argument that has been made: That the country’s economy is in much better shape than it was last year.”

Not only did the newsrooms lend a listening ear to the Biden administration’s top spin masters, but Darcy reported that most of the conversations “have been productive, with anchors and reporters and producers getting to talk with the officials.”

It’s no secret that the corporate media happily runs interference for Democrat politicians and the Biden administration, but the growing economic and inflation issues are just another way that the corrupt press is choosing to be a public relations machine for the White House.

Already, several major news outlets have run columns demanding that Americans stop shopping in an effort to absolve Biden and his administration of blame for the supply chain crisis plaguing the country. Instead of blaming the Biden administration for exacerbating the supply and demand problems that began with the pandemic and are now fueled by the president’s inclination toward regulation and handing out federal money, corporate media gave the White House a pass to mock Americans’ inability to obtain the goods they need.

Source: The Federalist

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