Rodney Scott, the widely praised head of U.S. Border Patrol that Democrat President Joe Biden forced out earlier this year, warned in a letter to Senate leaders that Biden’s disastrous border policies are destroying America’s borders and that bad actors are exploiting the situation.

Scott said that starting on January 20, 2021, he witnessed “the unprecedented seismic shift in border security and immigration policy” that he says “created the current border crisis,” noting that what is happening at the border is a serious national security threat.

Scott warned that Biden’s policies caused a “rapid disintegration of what was arguably the most effective border security in our Nation’s history.”

“The Biden administration’s team at DHS is laser-focused on expediting the flow of migrants into the U.S. and downplaying the significant vulnerability this creates for terrorists, narcotics smugglers, human traffickers, and even hostile nations to gain access to our homeland,” Scott wrote. “In my professional assessment, the U.S. Border Patrol is rapidly losing the situational awareness required to know who and what is entering our Homeland.”

Scott then issued a dire warning about who is likely exploiting the Biden administration’s weakness on the southern border.

“Low level, unsophisticated and uneducated smugglers are illegally crossing the border and increasingly evading apprehension daily,” Scott warned. “To think that well-resourced terrorist networks, criminal organization, and hostile nations are not doing the same is naive.”

“The experienced civil service staff within CBP, ICE and DHS have provided multiple options to reduce the illegal entries and reestablish some semblance of border security through proven programs and consequences, yet every recommendation has been summarily rejected,” Scott wrote. “Secretary Mayorkas is choosing to ignore the sound recommendations of career government leadership despite his own admissions that he agrees with them.”

Scott added that the large scale illegal entries into the U.S. are being operated by high-level drug officials in the Mexican drug cartels in an effort to create “controllable gaps in border security” which they then exploit to “easily smuggle contraband, criminals, or even potential terrorists into the U.S. at will.”

Scott urged Senate leaders to request highly detailed information, telling them specially what to request regarding the number of individuals that have been flagged at the border after being screened through the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB). Scott warned that the administration would try to downplay the numbers if they were ever released because they are high.

Scott wrote that more than 308,000 illegal aliens had evaded U.S. Border Patrol at the border, a number known as “got-a-ways.”

“As I stated upfront, it is my professional assessment that transnational criminal organizations (TCO), and other more dangerous actors are increasingly exploiting identified border security vulnerabilities,” Scott added. “The threats are real, and the situation is unsustainable, yet the current administration refuses to take any meaningful action.”

Scott was forced out by the Biden administration earlier this year without explanation, prompting criticism from Republicans and former Trump administration officials.

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Source: Dailywire

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