Far-left CNN faced backlash on Sunday in response to an article that they published comparing the recent controversy involving famed podcast host Joe Rogan to the January 6th riot and the Rwandan genocide.

The article comes weeks after the political left started an all out push to get Rogan taken off of Spotify, where he is by far the most listened-to podcast host.

The push initially started with leftists, including the Biden administration, claiming that Rogan was spreading COVID-related “misinformation” on his show because of some of the people that he chose to interview. Later, a far-left group published a video showing Rogan using racial slurs from years ago in what Rogan says are deceptively-edited clips that were taken out of context.

The article stated:

The podcaster Joe Rogan did not join a mob that forced lawmakers to flee for their lives. He never carried a Confederate flag inside the US Capitol rotunda. No one died trying to stop him from using the n-word.But what Rogan and those that defend him have done since video clips of him using the n-word surfaced on social media is arguably just as dangerous as what a mob did when they stormed the US Capitol on January 6 last year.

Rogan breached a civic norm that has held America together since World War II. It’s an unspoken agreement that we would never return to the kind of country we used to be. That agreement revolved around this simple rule: A White person would never be able to publicly use the n-word again and not pay a price. Rogan has so far paid no steep professional price for using a racial slur that’s been called the “nuclear bomb of racial epithets.”

The article then floated a worst case scenario, tying Rogan’s comments to the Rwandan genocide where 800,000 people were killed during a three-month period in the mid-1990s.

“What triggered the violence in part were the messages that came from people in positions of power in Rwanda. Many, like Rogan, had a public megaphone and an audience,” the article stated, later adding: “Genocide is a worst-case scenario. But we don’t have to look as far as Rwanda to see how quickly civic norms can change when people in power start lowering standards. Earlier this month the Republican National Committee drafted a resolution calling the deadly January 6 insurrection ‘legitimate political discourse.’”

Notable initial responses included:

  • Charles C.W. Cooke, National Review: “Having failed with phase one (‘misinformation!’) and phase two (‘racist!’), CNN has moved onto phase three, in which Joe Rogan is linked to insurrection, genocide, and segregation, and accused of helping undermine the progress the U.S. has made since 1945. They’re not going to stop. But they will make themselves ridiculous.”
  • Tom Elliott, Grabien: “Evidently there is no bottom for CNN.”
  • Tim Pool, podcaster: “It’s all one big f***ing joke.”
  • Joe Concha, The Hill: “Your craptastic headline of the month.”
  • Noam Blum, Tablet Magazine: “This is deada*s a real thing CNN published.”

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Source: Dailywire

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