Lee County (FL) Sheriff Carmine Marceno issued a warning to those who would attack a school in his county following last week’s tragedy in Texas: “We are going to kill you.”

Marceno made the remarks after an 18-year-old Latino stormed Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday and killed 19 students before a U.S. Border Patrol agent killed him.

Much of the media focus from the shooting has been helping Democrats advance their leftist gun control agenda and criticizing local law enforcement officials for their response to the incident which they have admitted was problematic.

Marceno said that if an individual goes “to one of our schools and present[s] deadly force,” his deputies are going to “meet you with deadly force and we are going to kill you.”

“You don’t get to shoot our children, you don’t get to hurt our children,” he said. “You bring deadly force in this county, we are going to kill you.”


In a separate video posted after last week’s tragedy, Marceno said that his deputies view the lives of those that they have sworn to protect as more valuable than their own.

“In our schools, over 100,000 children go to school, over 118 schools in Lee County,” he said. “Our great governor DeSantis has made it very clear, by giving me and all sheriffs and law enforcement across our great state, all the tools that we need to absolutely make certain that our mission is complete, and that is safety and law and order.”

“My policy is very simple,” he said, “When we get that dreaded call, God forbid, get that dreaded call, we don’t wait one second. We don’t wait one second. For any person or persons that go into a school where our children are and they present deadly force0, they will be met with deadly force immediately. We are going to kill them. We’re not going to hesitate. We’re not going to wait.”

“So, when that suspect, that person or persons, make that fatal error, it’s on them,” he said. “You don’t get to come into a school in our county and hurt our children. You don’t get to present deadly physical force in Lee County, where you walk into a school where our teachers, faculty, and staff are there protecting and teaching our children.”

Marceno also encouraged the local community to report any red flags that they see and to never overlook them.

Source: Dailywire

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