Veteran shock jock and Sirius XM radio host Howard Stern said Tuesday that if the Supreme Court overturned the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade, unwanted babies should be allowed to live at the court and be raised by the justices who were instrumental in the reversal.

Stern responded Tuesday to the leaked early opinion draft — which Chief Justice Roberts confirmed was authentic — that indicated the court might be preparing to overturn both Roe and its successor, Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

“I got the good news this morning about a women’s right to choose being overturned and I just was livid,” Stern began, arguing that if men got pregnant as a result of rape the conversation would be very different.

“This all started because of this f***ing Electoral College. I’ve got a real problem with this idea, the concept that the majority of the people in the United States do not get what they want,” Stern continued. “If guys got raped and pregnant, there’d be abortions available on every corner. Every street corner a different clinic that would take care of the problem.”

“They would be as plentiful as porta johns,” co-host Robin Quivers agreed. “Just go in, get your abortion, and come out.”

Stern went on to argue that the Court — specifically the conservative members who would likely be the ones driving the opinion if Roe and Casey were to be overturned — should be held responsible to care for the babies born into situations where they were not wanted.

“How women would vote for this agenda is beyond me. Who the hell wants to carry a baby that you do not want? And again, the people who carry these babies who don’t want them don’t raise these kids and then we’re stuck with them,” Stern said, claiming without evidence that pro-lifers did not give to charity or help unwanted kids in any way other than demanding that they be born.

“The people who are anti-abortion, they don’t give to charity, they don’t raise these kids. I don’t know who they think is going to raise them. Men were ready to tear this country down because we asked them to wear a mask, let alone have some baby they don’t want,” he said.

“How did we get to this point. How much more are we going to take?” Stern asked. “How much more of this bull***t that some hillbilly in South Dakota gets a more important vote cause he lives in South Dakota. Let me tell you something. Here’s what I say. All the unwanted children should be allowed to live at the Supreme Court building with those Justices and they should raise every one of those babies. That crackpot Clarence Thomas and that wife and all of them. They can raise those babies that they want.”

Source: Dailywire

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