Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard blamed the “military industrial complex” for stoking war between Russia and Ukraine, arguing that they were effectively setting up the dominoes so that they could rake in the profits when they inevitably fell.

“The neocons/warmongers have spent years stoking the new cold war with Russia and have now brought us to the brink in Ukraine—this serves their own interests, and lines the pocket of the Military Industrial Complex with trillion$. Let’s not be sheep,” she tweeted, along with a video of her recent appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“What we have, unfortunately, is Democrats, Republicans, the mainstream media, the Washington elite essentially in the pocket of the military industrial complex,” she began. “And rather than looking out for what’s in the best interest of the American people, our national security, our country — they see dollar signs when they look at Ukraine. They see how they can line their pockets, how they can look tough, how they can posture themselves in a position where they personally or politically or financially benefit rather than actually thinking about what are the costs and consequences of these actions. And who pays the price?”

“It’s the American people — and, frankly, the people of Ukraine,” Gabbard told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Carlson argued that he wasn’t certain everyone really wanted a war with Russia — “That would tank our economy in a second” — but his concern was that if enough people were inept enough, they might push the United States into war unintentionally.

“They’ve got a long track record of ineptitude,” he continued, asking, “Are you worried about that?”

“I’m deeply concerned about that, because that’s very much the direction that we are headed,” Gabbard continued. “You know, Tucker, I look back to early 2017, when then-President Trump said, ‘Hey, it would be good if we got along with Russia.’ You remember the reaction to that.”

Carlson laughed, “That was insane.”

“Everyone from, you know, Democratic leaders, Republican leaders, people in the mainstream media, they said absolutely no way,” Gabbard added. “There were people in Trump’s own administration, warmongers like John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, who outright rejected it and went on their own agenda. And we’re seeing the results of this now.”

Gabbard, who is an Army Reserve officer herself, has been a longtime critic of “forever wars” and said it was now up to the American people to stand up and say no more.

“We will not accept this, we will not be sheep allowing these warmongers in Washington to lead us down this very, very dangerous and costly path,” she said.

Carlson noted that Gabbard had been denounced by Washington leadership as “a Russian agent” for arguing that American troops should not be on the ground in Syria — and as a racist for saying that the United States should not bomb another middle eastern country. “My favorite attack ever, because it was so insane,” he added with a laugh. “They attacked you every day you served in Congress over that, so it seems like this is the red line for them. You criticize war, and they won’t stop in their effort to destroy you.”

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Source: Dailywire

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