Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk blew up the claim that he did not actually found electric vehicle company Tesla.

The world’s richest man responded in a Twitter thread after entrepreneur Vaibhav Sisinty argued that Musk had simply “acquired” the company rather than founding it himself.

“Elon Musk was not the founder of Tesla. He acquired it,” Sisinty tweeted. “Just reminding.”

Musk pushed back, saying that what he had essentially acquired was an idea with no structure or resources behind it.

“Not even close to that. It was a shell corp with no employees, no IP, no designs, no prototype, literally nothing but a biz plan to commercialize AC Propulsion’s Tzero car, which was introduced to me by JB Straubel, *not* Eberhard,” Musk tweeted. “Even name ‘Tesla Motors’ was owned by others!”

“If filing a shell corp constitutes “founding a company”, then I’d be the only founder of PayPal, since I filed the original incorporation docs for (later renamed PayPal), but that’s not what founding means,” Musk continued.

“When Eberhard was fired unanimously by the board in July 2007 (for damn good reasons), no one left with him. That says it all,” he said.

Musk concluded by claiming that as long as the “losing party” had enough spare time, history could always be changed on Wikipedia. “They say history is written by the victors, but not on Wikipedia if the losing party is still alive & has lots of time on their hands!” he said.

Sisinty later responded that his point had not been to downplay Musk’s role at Tesla, but rather to suggest that the billionaire could have a similar impact on Twitter if he were successful in his bid to acquire that.

“I believe that @elon can actually ‘tap into twitter’s true potential’ if he acquires it. Hence the tweet! For a company to do well, it needs a strong leader, usually the founder in most companies. Jack is out. Elon can be the one,” he explained several hours later.

Sisinty later added one more tweet issuing an apology for tagging “the wrong” Elon.

According to the most recent reporting, Musk has secured the funding necessary to move forward with his plans to buy the social media site. As reported by The Daily Wire’s Amanda Prestigiacamo, “Tesla CEO Elon Musk disclosed Thursday that he has received commitment letters for $46.5 billion in funding to purchase Twitter, as well as a workaround since the Twitter board has been unresponsive to the billionaire.”

Twitter’s board has adopted a “limited duration shareholder rights plan” in an effort to dilute Musk’s power and stymie any immediate moves he could make to buy the company.

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Source: Dailywire

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