White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked during Friday’s press conference about what President Joe Biden thought about the “Let’s go, Brandon” chant that has swept across the country over the last several weeks.

“I don’t think he spends much time focused on it or thinking about it,” Psaki claimed.

“The president said when he came into office on Inauguration Day — he said he was going to help get rid of the ‘uncivil war’ in this country. So I guess, through that lens right now, does the president think there are things that he can do differently?” the reporter asked. “Or how does he react to the stuff he sees out there when it is one of his primary promises or desires to help bring Americans together?”

“Well, it takes two to move towards a more civil engagement and discourse in this country and the president is going to continue to operate, as you said, from the promise he made early on, which is that he wants to govern for all Americans,” Psaki claimed.



REPORTER: Let me ask one last question if I can, quickly. Across this country, we’ve seen this new phenomenon lately chanted at sporting events and on signs. The phrase is, “Let’s go, Brandon.” A sort of code for a profane slogan attacking President Biden. What does the president make of that?

JEN PSAKI, PRESS SECRETARY: I don’t think he spends much time focused on it or thinking about it.

REPORTER: The president said when he came into office on Inauguration Day — he said he was going to help get rid of the “uncivil war” in this country. So I guess, through that lens right now, does the president think there are things that he can do differently? Or how does he react to the stuff he sees out there when it is one of his primary promises or desires to help bring Americans together?

PSAKI: Well, it takes two to move towards a more civil engagement and discourse in this country. And the President is going to continue to operate, as you said, from the promise he made early on, which is that he wants to govern for all Americans.

He’s going to deliver for all Americans, as is evidenced by the infrastructure bill that he’s going to sign on Monday, that’s going to help expand broadband to everyone, no matter your political party, no matter whether you voted for him or not. That’s going to replace lead pipes, make sure kids have clean drinking water, whether you’re a Democrat or Republican or not political at all.

That’s how he’s going to govern. And certainly we’re hopeful we’ll have partners to move toward more civil discourse with in the future.

Get your limited edition “Let’s Go, Brandon!” t-shirt here.

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