Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) complained that members of Congress were refusing to wear masks in elevators — although she did not list any by name.

Then she argued that their refusal was “intolerable” in a workplace, “undermining our democracy,” and could be compared to the January 6th riot on Capitol Hill.

“This is where the lack of civility has come to in the United States Congress,” Jayapal began. “And I think it is a massive problem. It undermines our ability to get work done, and it is intolerable in a workplace where we are going to work to do the work of the American people.”

“And also, let me just remind your viewers that this was about wearing a mask, which is mandated in the Capitol. It is mandated in the Capitol, and it is to protect our safety — our collective safety, the safety of our staffers,” Jayapal continued. “And so the idea that — and this has happened to me — where you would get on an elevator and people refuse to wear a mask, and your choices are to either get off the elevator or to get on the elevator and to tell them to wear a mask.”

“That should not be a problem in the United States Congress,” she said, and then she went on to compare those who were causing that problem to the rioters who stormed Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021.

“I really believe that our colleagues who refuse to even adhere to the basic norms of civility are undermining our democracy, and of course we’re seeing it in all kinds of even more serious ways like the January 6th insurrection is just part of that and part of the attempt to take down a legitimate democracy from functioning in the way it should,” she said.

Radio host Buck Sexton responded to Jayapal’s comments on Monday, pointing out the fact that Washington, D.C., was already rolling back mask and vaccine mandates — with some exceptions — and mocking her for making such a dramatic comparison.

That was a member of Congress. That was Congresswoman Jayapal, just so you understand. These are the things that Democrats say now. “When you refuse to mask up you’re destroying this democracy!” You heard her there which is fascinating on so many levels because this is, as I’ve said so many times, all evidence of a serious anxiety disorder. These anxiety disorders are very difficult, very difficult.

But you need to deal with them and not expect everybody else to cater to your anxiety disorder. You have to deal with your anxiety disorder even if you’re a member of Congress. But this is fascinating as well because, Clay, the member of Congress here is saying if you don’t mask up when you got you get on an elevator with somebody, you are a… Just to be clear, you’re “undermining our democracy” is what she said, if you don’t mask up on elevator.

She’s going to restaurants and bars and I’m sure parties and whatever else. No one’s got masks on. But when you step on an elevator with me, sir, without a mask on for that 20-second ride, you’re undermining our democracy. Meanwhile, Washington, D.C., has announced just today they are getting rid of the indoor mask mandate in two weeks. They’re getting rid of it everywhere except — get ready for this — schools and some other locations.

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Source: Dailywire

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