John Podesta, a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and one of the most powerful figures in the Democrat Party, warned Democrats in Washington, D.C., that they are headed for political shellacking next year if they do not lower the price tag on their $3.5 trillion bill that critics say is a leftist wish list.

Podesta warned that if the price of the bill is not lowered that the bill and the separate $1+ trillion infrastructure bill both risked not passing, which would be a disaster for the party.

“The political reality is clear, given Democrats have no margin for error in the Senate and a limited margin in the House,” Podesta wrote in a memo sent to all Democrat lawmakers. “We will not secure the full $3.5 trillion investment. It’s time for Democrats to unite in finding the path forward.”

“You are either getting both bills or neither — and the prospect of neither is unconscionable,” he wrote. “It would signal a complete and utter failure of our democratic duty, and a reckless abdication of our responsibility. It would define our generation’s history and show that, when our time came, we failed, both for Americans now and in the years to come.”

“The historical trend makes it clear that Democrats will face severe headwinds next November,” he added, “but nothing will guarantee a political reckoning faster than if the Democrats fail to pass anything.”

The memo comes as Biden has faced opposition from members of his own party who do not support the massive $3.5 trillion bill as inflation has skyrocketed under Biden. Democrats also faced another severe blow to their plans when the Senate parliamentarian ruled they could not include a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens in the $3.5 trillion bill.

  • ‘Big Blow To Biden’: Senate Parliamentarian Rules Citizenship Path For Illegals Cannot Be In $3.5 Trillion Bill, Report Says
  • Biden Gets More Bad News From Another Democrat Senator About His $3.5 Trillion Wish List: Report
  • Key Democrat Senator Wants To Nuke Voting On Biden’s Colossal $3.5 Trillion Wish List Bill

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Source: Dailywire

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