A far-left co-host of The Young Turks erupted this week over the leaked draft of the majority opinion of an upcoming ruling by the Supreme Court on Roe v. Wade.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote in a document titled “Opinion of the Court” that “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start” and that “we hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.”

“It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives,” he added.

In a video clip that went viral online Wednesday, The Young Turks’ Ana Kasparian had a meltdown over the news as she repeatedly shouted in a state of exasperation.

“We don’t even have paid family leave. We don’t even have affordable childcare in this freaking country, okay?” she shouted. “And the people who fight against those kinds of laws are Republicans.”

“What do you want them to do with their kids when they have to go to work? What do you want them to do?” she continued. “What do you want them to do? I want them to answer that freaking question. Answer the question. Journalists, ask them the question. Ask them. Ask them. Ask them the g*****n question, God.”

On the matter of Democrat lawmakers apparently not caring as much about the issue as her, Kasparian responded, “They don’t care, they’re fine. They’re fine.”

“They’re all so old they don’t even have to worry about it affecting them and if they were young enough where it would affect them, they’ll get their abortion, okay?” she continued. “They’re trading individual stocks, enriching themselves, they’re good. They’re good. They don’t care about you. Make sure you understand that and you feel it in your bones, they don’t care about you, at all.”


Kasparian later responded to the tweet that went viral, writing: “I stand by every word f***boy.”

  • Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe V. Wade Decision In Draft Of Majority Opinion, Report Says
  • Leak Of SCOTUS Draft On Roe V. Wade Stuns Nation: ‘This Leak Is The Gravest, Most Unforgivable Sin’
  • Bill Barr Names The Specific Crime That May Have Been Committed In Leak Of Supreme Court Draft

Source: Dailywire

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