A coalition of Christian anti-abortion groups requested that the Supreme Court immediately overturn Roe v. Wade.

Abolish Abortion Texas provided The Daily Wire with an amicus brief — a document that tells the Court about matters not yet brought to its attention — filed on Thursday in relation to Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which deals with a Mississippi statute that bans abortion after a baby reaches fifteen weeks’ gestation.

The brief — filed by End Abortion Now, Southern Baptists for Abolishing Abortion, Free the States, Operation Save America, twenty state legislators, and several other parties that argue for the immediate abolition of abortion — requested that the Supreme Court reverse its ruling in Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case in which the Court claimed that abortion is protected under the Fourteenth Amendment.

According to the brief’s summary:

Amici call upon the Court to fulfill its God-given and oath-bound constitutional duty to administer justice. Amici also call upon the Court to restrain its unconstitutional abuse of power in Roe v. Wade in order to restore public respect for the Constitution, for the Court as an institution, for the Court’s rulings in general, and for the value of human life itself. 

Additionally, amici respectfully advise the Court that, for so long as the Court does not overrule Roe itself, more and more Americans who are faithful to the Constitution can, should, and will be seeking to pursue the abolition of abortion via other peaceful constitutional means. 

Finally, amici urge the Court to recognize that a preborn person is entitled to the equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment — state laws protecting born persons should equally protect those not yet born. 

Citing several biblical passages, the brief claims that Jesus Christ is Lord of the United States:

Of course, both the Constitution and the Court are human inventions. This is not to say that either is unimportant, but merely to point out that neither is transcendent, inerrant, or eternal. Similarly, while public opinion is important, it is not the highest or final authority. While the stability of our country relies upon these things, it does so in a secondary way. 

Ultimately, our true peace and stability depends first and foremost upon the blessing of God. Conversely, while any decline in public respect for the Constitution would be a threat to the Court, the greatest threat to all is the righteous judgment of God if we as a country and our institutions fail to acknowledge Him in all our ways as the ultimate authority.

The ultimate source of all legitimate earthly authority is divine. It is derived from “our Lord,” Jesus Christ, who has been delegated it by God the Father. As Christ said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

Abolish Abortion Texas executive director Bradley Pierce told The Daily Wire that this particular brief is meant to stand out from others filed by pro-life groups.

“The brief is unique because it presents the abolitionist perspective,” he explained. “Among other things, it informs the Court that, for so long as the Court does not overrule Roe itself, more and more Americans still desiring to faithfully follow God and the Constitution… are seeking to bypass the Court by pursuing the abolition of abortion via other peaceful constitutional means.”

As Pierce described, the brief emerges as a growing number of Christians ask their representatives to pass laws that immediately — rather than incrementally — ban abortion in their states.

As The Daily Wire previously reported, state Rep. Bryan Slaton (R-TX) — who was among the legislators that joined in the brief — introduced a bill that would “ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization.” 

Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently signed a “trigger bill” that would only ban abortion in Texas if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade; nevertheless, he does not support Slaton’s bill. In response, Slaton told The Daily Wire that “to end the outright murder of innocent children, states must be willing to stand up and ban it with or without the Court’s permission.”

Across the United States — including in Oklahoma and Indiana — Republican legislators and governors have likewise nixed bills that would have fully outlawed abortion.

Many others who joined in the brief argue that conventional pro-life laws seek to regulate — rather than criminalize — abortion.

Earlier in July, pro-lifers in Ohio discovered the remains of a preborn baby in an abortion clinic’s dumpster — an apparent violation of the state’s “fetal remains” law, which requires “the proper and humane burial or cremation of children who have lost their lives to an abortion procedure.” In response, End Abortion Now communications director Zach Conover explained to The Daily Wire that the violation was not surprising.

“Giving those who murder children for a living the allowance to do so as long as they commit to providing a ‘proper burial’ for their victims is by no means a victory worth celebrating,” he noted. “If they treat a child inhumanely when it is alive in the womb, what makes us believe they will treat them humanely after they have slaughtered them?”

“Whether we are considering pain-capable acts, heartbeat bills, partial-birth abortion bans, or laws dealing with the disposal of fetal remains, all of these regulatory measures end with the caveat: ‘Once these conditions are met, then you are allowed to take the life of the child.’ Meanwhile, the abortion industry rampages on unimpeded while leaving a bloody trail of destruction in its wake.”

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Source: Dailywire

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