Numerous celebrities and Left-wing politicians were out having a lovely time at this year’s Super Bowl in Los Angeles County, and they were notably without masks.

SoFi Stadium, where the Super Bowl was played, has a rule that masks are required indoors and outdoors during events with more than 5,000 people.

Among those partying it up maskless were Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, Jay-Z, Ellen DeGeneres, Will Ferrell, Dwayne Johnson, a.k.a “The Rock,” among others.

Social media quickly erupted with criticism, highlighting that schoolchildren in Los Angeles are still required to wear masks at school. Some also pointed out specific celebrities’ personal flip-flop, or hypocrisy on masks.

For example, Theron in the past posted to her Instagram that everyone should “wear a damn mask” and “don’t be an a**.”

Some on the Left have suggested the “science” has “changed,” and now masks are not necessary.

However, the “science” seems to have been impacted by politics. At the start of the pandemic, public health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci told people not to wear masks, before quickly promoting mask mandates on the public, including children. Now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that “loosely woven cloth products provide the least protection.”

The general outrage at the inconsistency about masks exploded online.

“Here’s the video of every celebrity without a mask during the Super Bowl. But every kid in California will have to be wearing them tomorrow in school. They must all be holding their breaths the entire game,” posted Clay Travis.

“Celebrities and rich people are allowed to not wear masks,” commented Tim Pool. “It’s just the poors who have to because they are unclean.”

“Of course celebrities and politicians didn’t wear masks at the Superbowl,” Janice Dean wrote.

“Hollywood is awful part 2. Zero masks,” she captioned photos. “PS I don’t care that they aren’t wearing masks. Just let the rest of us do the same. Especially our kids.”

“Kids in California still have to wear masks. Disgusting,” popular Twitter account “Lib of Tik Tok” commented.

“Seeing 71,000 maskless screaming fans at the Super Bowl made me very worried about COVID spread,” wrote Justin Spiro. “But then I remembered that 5-year-olds will have cloth masks on their face tomorrow, so crisis averted! We’ll all be safe now!”

“If nobody minds wearing a mask, why is nobody wearing them at the Super Bowl,” questioned Bethany Mandel.

“LA just held an indoor event for 4+ hours with over 75,000 people, including the Mayor, with no masks or social distancing,” wrote Jenna Ellis. “This is the same LA County that threatened jail time for an 82-year-old pastor for having a church service indoors. Are you paying attention yet?”

“This is also the same LA County that will force masks on school children for 8 hours Monday morning,” she added. “Petty tyranny must END.”

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Source: Dailywire

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