On Wednesday, Argentina began incorporating identification cards that include an option for people who do not identify as either female or male.

The identification cards will allow people to put “x” in their national ID document and passports in the place where they put their gender.

The country is the first in the area to “enable this via decree, the center-left government said, adding it was joining countries such as New Zealand, Canada and Australia, which have already carried out the change,” per NBC News.  

“There are other identities besides that of man and woman, and they must be respected,” said President Alberto Fernández, adding there were “a thousand ways to love and be loved and be happy.”

“The ideal will be when all of us are just who we are and no one cares about people’s gender,” Fernandez added. “This is a step we are taking and I hope one day we get to the point where IDs don’t say if someone is a man, woman or anything else.”

“The use of the ‘x’ has already been accepted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and includes people who identify outside traditional gender definitions,” the outlet reported.

Argentina has recently taken further steps to the Left, including its Congress legalizing abortion up to the 14th week of pregnancy last year. 

The United States recently took similar measures to roll out passports with an option for someone to change their gender identification. 

As The Daily Wire reported last month, “Americans can now select their chosen gender on passports without providing medical documentation, according to a new Biden administration rule.” 

“News of the policy came on the last day of ‘Pride Month’ — a period of heightened activity for LGBTQ+ activism,” The Daily Wire reported. 

The Biden administration showed support for “Pride Month” while criticizing the “many States in which LGBTQ+ individuals still lack protections for fundamental rights and dignity in hospitals, schools, public accommodations, and other spaces.” He also claimed that “some States have chosen to actively target transgender youth through discriminatory bills that defy our Nation’s values of inclusivity and freedom for all.”

“The ACLU unveiled that Americans will soon be able to select ‘X’ as a gender marker instead of ‘M’ or ‘F’ — a move that the organization called a’“victory for trans, non-binary and intersex people’ who are seeking ‘accurate’ federal IDs,” The Daily Wire highlighted. 

“Improved access to accurate passports will have such a profound impact on the lives of trans, intersex and nonbinary folks across the country,” Arli Christian, a campaign strategist with the ACLU, said. “But the work doesn’t stop here. We will keep working with the administration to make sure we see these important changes to gender change policies across all federal agencies.”

As explained by a State Department announcement:

You can now select the gender you would like printed on your U.S. passport, even if the gender you select does not match the gender on your supporting documentation such as a birth certificate, previous passport, or state ID. We no longer require medical certification to change the gender marker on your U.S. passport.

To request a new passport with a different gender than the one you have on your current passport, or if you are applying for your first passport, submit a new application and select your preferred gender marker. Follow the steps on this page to learn which form to submit. You can select “M” or “F” which are the gender markers currently available. We are working to add a gender marker for non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming persons as soon as possible.

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Source: Dailywire

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