Bette Midler found herself on the other side of the woke brigade Monday after she tweeted out that women were being erased due to terms like “birthing people” and “people with vaginas.”

The 76-year-old actress’ name started trending on Twitter on the Fourth of July after she posted another rant about how women were “being stripped of their rights” following Roe V. Wade being overturned. In a 6-3 decision, the United States Supreme Court voted to uphold a Mississippi law, and that ruling overturned Roe.

“WOMEN OF THE WORLD! ” Milder’s post read. “We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name!”

“They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore; they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators,’ and even ‘people with vaginas!’” she added. “Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!”

However, using terms that the woke mob finds not inclusive, like “women,” landed her in a host of trouble, and she was labeled “right wing” and a “TERF,” a derogatory acronym used by some leftists that stands for transgender-exclusionary radical feminists.

“Bette when we use those words we’re including trans men and non-binary people who are also impacted by this new ruling,” one user tweeted. “We’re not erasing women— we’re including those who are forgotten.”

“Since there’s women who reject the word woman no other women can use it?” another wrote. “Sounds a lot like what the patriarchy would say….”

Another tweeted, “Very disappointed to see anti-trans TERF speak from such an icon, and someone who has such a devoted fan base amongst LGBTQIA+ folx.”

“Bette, I love you, but you sound like you host a news show on Fox with this tweet,” one person concluded.

While another wrote, “Congratulations Bette, you’re now right wing.”

Others Twitter accounts, like Libs of TikTok, were quick to ask exactly who are the one’s trying to erase the term women, pointing out that such language is from the far-left of the political spectrum which the “Hocus Pocus” star typically represents.

“Who’s ‘they’ that are changing these terms?” the account asked.

One really has to wonder if the “Beaches” star spent the holiday weekend watching The Daily Wire documentary “What is a Woman” after reading her latest tweet.

Source: Dailywire

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