President Joe Biden implied to the American people on Wednesday that their only options as it relates to the current economic order are either dealing with high gas prices or allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to gain more influence in Europe.

During a speech delivered from the White House-crafted fake Oval Office set — which he reportedly uses so that he can stay on a script from a teleprompter —  Biden called on Congress to enact a “three-month gas tax holiday” and suspend the 18.4 cents federal gas tax to help alleviate pain at the pump for Americans this summer. The president needled Republicans who have attacked him over record-high gas prices by asking them if they would rather abandon the Ukrainian people and let Putin gain more power.

“For all Republicans in Congress criticizing me today for high gas prices in America, are you now saying we were wrong to support Ukraine? Are you saying we were wrong to stand up to Putin?” the president said as images of Ukrainian flags flashed behind him. “Are you saying that we’d rather have lower gas prices in America than Putin’s iron fist in Europe?”

Experts like The Heritage Foundation’s Katie Tubb have pointed out for quite some time that the cost of gasoline was rising well before Putin ever invaded Ukraine in February.

The president’s anti-fossil fuel rhetoric, alongside policy and increase in regulation, has contributed to the high prices of gasoline, she said.

“This has been the clear and consistent message of President Biden from the campaign trail through to just last month when he stated that high gasoline prices are just part of his incredible transition’ away from the fuel that supplies 90% of Americans’ transportation needs,” Tubb recently explained to The Daily Wire.

“Certainly Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is also being priced into oil markets, as is higher summertime demand for gasoline during vacation season,” Tubbs added. “But to stop there is to totally ignore the policy choices being made by the Biden administration that had already led to a 48% increase in gasoline prices before Russia invaded Ukraine.”

Daniel Turner, founder and executive director of Power the Future, also recently told The Daily Wire that the Biden administration has been actively discouraging investment in the oil and gas industry, which has led to an increase in prices.

“The [Biden administration] has created a regulatory and financial climate which punishes the fossil fuel industry,” Turner claimed. “From the [the Department of Interior], to [the Environmental Protection Agency], to [the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission], every agency is sending signals that fossil fuels are not welcome.”

Turner explained that inflation is simply a byproduct of those policies as they impact the economy.

“The markets are responding in kind,” Turner said. “Sadly, fossil fuels are much more than the Biden admin. is willing to admit, and pushing wind and solar and [electric vehicles] does nothing to alleviate rising inflation, food prices, and consumer food prices.”

On Tuesday, The Daily Wire reported that Chevron CEO Michael Wirth sent Biden a letter, writing out exactly what Biden can be doing to enact long-term growth.

“We need clarity and consistency on policy matters ranging from leases and permits on federal lands, to the ability to permit and build critical infrastructure, to the proper role of regulation that considers both costs and benefits,” Wirth explained.

Biden responded to that letter by calling Wirth “mildly sensitive” and joking that he “didn’t know they’d get their feelings hurt that quickly.”

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Source: Dailywire

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