President Joe Biden’s administration recorded its second-highest number of illegals alien apprehensions along the southern border last month as Biden’s national security and humanitarian catastrophe continues.

“There were more than 200,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in August, a DHS source told Fox News on Wednesday, the second month in a row where the number has been over the 200,000 mark as migrants continue to attempt to enter the U.S.,” Fox News reported. “Additionally, the 208,887 number for August represents a 317% increase over last August 2020 which saw 50,014 encounters — and a 233% increase over August 2019, where there were 62,707 amid that year’s border crisis.”

The numbers, which are only preliminary and could still rise, would mark the first time during the Biden era that the total number of apprehensions of illegal aliens decreased from the month before, even if minimally. July saw more than 212,000 apprehensions. The decrease would be just  1.88% from the prior month.

Fox News reporter Bill Melguin tweeted out videos from Wednesday that showed thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens waiting to be apprehended by U.S. law enforcement officials.

“Our drone is currently over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX, where Border Patrol & law enforcement sources tell us over 4,200 migrants are waiting to be apprehended after crossing into US. Local BP holding facilities are overwhelmed and over capacity,” Melugin tweeted. “A source on the ground sent us this video showing thousands of migrants under the international bridge in Del Rio, TX with more showing up constantly. We’re told the situation there is getting worse every day and the numbers are growing by the hour.”

Chad Wolf, former acting DHS secretary and Heritage visiting fellow, slammed the administration in a statement, saying that Biden’s “failed border-security policies are simply unsustainable.”

“The men and women of federal law enforcement cannot continue to deal with these crisis-level numbers. They are already overwhelmed and overburdened. The breakdown is coming,” Wolf said. “Hundreds have been pulled off the line, from defending and safeguarding our borders, to process and care for the flood of illegal aliens apprehended at the border. Cartels and smugglers have taken advantage of our weakness, with record numbers of not just people, but narcotics, pouring across an increasingly undefended border.”

“President Biden simply isn’t listening, and I fear that we are staring down the prospect of a preventable disaster stemming from this crisis,” Wolf added. “Sadly, just as we saw in Afghanistan in recent weeks, it seems that for this administration, politics trumps national security.”

Mark Morgan, former acting CBP commissioner and Heritage visiting fellow, also criticized the Biden administration, saying that contrary to what they claim, “this crisis extends well beyond local border communities.”

“The consequences of Biden’s border crisis are impacting our country’s public safety, health, and national security,” Morgan said. “What comes across our southern border makes its way to every town, city, and state in our nation. We are seeing a significant increase in fentanyl pouring across our borders, expansion of human trafficking, and criminal aliens breaking into our country undetected as a result of the current open border policies. Where is the outrage from the mainstream media? Where is the action on Capitol Hill?”

“As our southern border becomes increasing vulnerable to the vast set of complex threats facing our country, the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan presents a heightened sense of insecurity and concern,” Morgan added. Afghanistan has once again become a base of operations for terrorist organizations. Make no mistake, these organizations’ resolve and commitment to do harm to the United States is alive and well, and they will look for every vulnerability we have here at home and abroad to exploit. They need only to look toward our southern border. We must change course before it’s too late.”

This report has been updated to include additional information. 

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Source: Dailywire

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