The Prime Minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, is warning President Biden after the catastrophic U.S. pullout from Afghanistan.

A spokesman for Johnson’s office said Johnson and Biden had spoken, adding, “The Prime Minister stressed the importance of not losing the gains made in Afghanistan over the last twenty years, of protecting ourselves against any emerging threat from terrorism and of continuing to support the people of Afghanistan,” The Daily Mail reported.

A source from Great Britain’s Foreign Office blasted Biden’s precipitous and unilateral pullout, saying, “There was not a lot of consultation. He basically announced what he wanted to do. Every NATO ally, including us and his defense staff, will have been advising a longer delay.”

Former British Treasury minister Huw Merriman, chairman of the Commons transport committee, called Biden a “total blithering idiot” after Biden placed the blame for the chaos on Afghanistan military forces. Simon Clarke, the former Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, ripped Biden’s speech earlier this week, snapping, “The more you reflect, the more you realize the speech he gave last night was grotesque. An utter repudiation of the America so many of us have admired so deeply all our lives – the champion of liberty and democracy and the guardian of what’s right in the world.”

In an essay published on Wednesday in which he ripped those in Britain wanting Great Britain to pay reparations to the Taliban, Clarke wrote:

The West has suffered a colossal military, political and moral defeat in Afghanistan. It has arisen owing to the appalling misjudgement of President Biden and the reluctance of NATO allies to join Britain in pursuing an ongoing security presence in the country.  As a result, the world is now a more dangerous place, and that poses profound questions for our national foreign and defence policy.

Clarke pointed out, “Against this backdrop, we ought all to feel a renewed surge of gratitude that Boris Johnson was able to defeat the menace of a hard left government taking power in this country just twenty months ago.”

“It is the suggestion that our country should pay reparations to the Taliban-led government of Afghanistan that is so deeply offensive,” Clarke asserted. “As they begin once again to murder, rape, enslave and brutalise their own population, and doubtless turn the country back into the safe haven for international terrorism that it was prior to 9/11, for Britain to pay reparations to them would be the equivalent of paying reparations to Nazi Germany.”

“These MPs hold such a warped worldview as to be unable to make any moral distinction between the West and our opponents,” he continued. “Sadly, this seems the more likely.  From their reluctance to condemn Russian use of biological weapons on UK soil through to their long-standing support for Iran, apologism for the IRA and fixation with the grim charade of Castro’s Cuba, the hard Left in British politics have shown consistently that they will support any cause that stands against our country.

He concluded, “We are fortunate to have a government that believes in the values of the West and that is clear-sighted enough to recognise the adversaries who will always seek to profit from any weakness.”

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Source: Dailywire

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