On Saturday morning, on the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in which roughly 3,000 Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists, a Canadian professor mocked Americans honoring the dead and memorializing the event, tweeting, “I see the U.S.  is having its dumb little annual pity party again.”

Associate professor of philosophy Jonathan Weisberg from the University of Toronto later deleted the tweet, reportedly, but not before social media eviscerated him for his heartlessness.

One Canadian attorney reacted, “Thank you for exposing yourself, @jweisber. People of conscience who remember the horror of 9/11, or can imagine it, can respond morally by refusing to take any course taught by this revolting human being.”

Famed professor Gad Saad, who saw the tweet before it was deleted, wrote on Twitter: “Note that the butchering of 3,000 innocent people does not trigger this hero’s ire. But if you were to misgender him (check his bio) well then that’s linguistic genocide. What an execrable cretin.”

He added, “As soon as I made this guy’s vile tweet about 9/11 visible on my platform, he protected his tweets. Academia is filled with innumerable such folks.”

Weisberg received his Ph.D. in Philosophy, from Rutgers University in 2006 and his BA in Philosophy and BA in Math from the University of Washington in 2001.

The Daily Wire reported in May 2016 of a neo-Nazi, Ken O’Keefe, who spoke at the JJR Macleod Auditorium at the University of Toronto, where he not only posited “Jews run the media,” “the Jews control everything,” “they run the courts and the banks,” but also questioned the validity of the Holocaust, snapping, “Why would we believe official histories of any subject? I defy anybody who takes a serious look at World War II to support what we’ve been told [about this war]. Every f***in’ historical event that we’ve been told about is bull****. Come on, who writes that s***? … The victors write history and their history is bull****.”

He added,  “We can go on and on and on. World War II is no exception. It is the Holocaust myth, the myth of what happened in terms of the Jewish population and the concentration camps and what Hitler did.”

In February 2017, roughly a week after a speech at the university held by Students in Support of Free Speech was frequently interrupted by protesters, the school’s student newspaper, The Varsity, published a column titled “Bigotry bears no right to a platform.” The author, a second-year gender studies major, wrote, “Speakers at the event included [Jordan] Peterson, Psychology Professor who has been called transphobic by some students on campus following his Professor against political correctness YouTube lecture series What freedom of speech does not entail is speaking without having to face consequences or being permitted a platform wherever you want. All groups on campus, regardless of political alignment, should be permitted to hold uninterrupted events. But speakers who promote racism, Islamophobia, or any other kind of bigotry should never be given a space here.”

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Source: Dailywire

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