Just when you think the mainstream media cannot get any crazier, they up the ante by recommending American soldiers force the coronavirus vaccine on to American citizens.

On Monday, CNBC’s Jim Cramer ranted that the United States should use the military to enforce universal vaccination to “help win the war on COVID.” The “Mad Money” host also stated that unvaxxed Americans should have to make their argument before a court as to why they should have “conscientious objector” status and be allowed to forgo COVID-19 vaccination.

Cramer — a usually high-energy commentator focused on financial markets — began his show examining the economy and stocks. Then, Cramer shifted his rant to slamming “toothless” mandates from the Biden administration, that were not enforceable by federal agencies such as OSHA:

We haven’t centralized the issue to the point where the White House actually seems to take responsibility. We’d see. First was the CDC, then the FDA, the National Institutes of Health, mostly coordinating policy through talk shows.

Then we left vaccination policy to individual companies. Now it’s toothless OSHA going back and forth on what’s allowed in factories, but nobody with any power saying the frontline workers need to be vaccinated. It’s just plain wrong, and most of us are sick of it.

He went on, this time blaming “antivaxxers” for the continued COVID-19 crisis, as the White House would categorize it. He said:

Even as a vocal, anti-vax minority is always grabbing the mic, this charade must end. The government must require vaccinations. Not of this group or that group, not company by company, not cruise ship by cruise ship, or airline by airline or governor by governor. The buck stops at the White House.

Cramer noted that President Dwight Eisenhower was able to coordinate a massive polio vaccine push, which ultimately helped virtually eliminate the disease from the globe in the 1950s. He wondered why President Joe Biden couldn’t use the military to also coerce Americans into receiving the jab.

“Now, we’re engaged in a similar struggle with COVID and Eisenhower would be aghast,” the host stated. “We have immunocompromised people — who are incubators for every variant to come — walking around lawfully unvaccinated? That’s psychotic.”

“It’s time to admit that we have to go to war against COVID,” Cramer continued. “Require vaccination universally. Have the military run it. If you don’t want to get vaccinated, you better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court.”

It is unclear what scientific findings Cramer was basing his rant against unvaccinated people. It has been established that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can spread COVID-19, albeit to varying degrees of passability.

A portion of the screed can be found below:

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Source: Dailywire

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