Democrats were stunned over the results of a mayoral race in South Texas over the weekend after the town elected a former chairman of a local county-level Republican Party.

“Republicans celebrated Javier Villalobos’ narrow win in the mayor’s race in McAllen, Texas, on Saturday even though the race is technically nonpartisan,” Fox News reported. “Villalobos, an attorney, was appointed to the Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board by [Texas Republican Governor Greg] Abbott in 2018 and is the former chair of the Hidalgo County GOP.”

The election comes as the U.S. southern border has been flooded with illegal aliens under Democrat President Joe Biden. Vice President Kamala Harris was tapped to lead Biden’s response to his border crisis, yet she still has not visited the border and has not held a news conference about the border crisis.

“Let me start by thanking the voters, my team, my family & everyone who helped run this campaign,” Villalobos wrote on Facebook. “Thank you McAllen for trusting & believing in me. I promise to not let you down.”

Abbott congratulated Villalobos on Twitter, writing: “Javier Villalobos is a proven leader who cares deeply about the people of the Rio Grande Valley. Congratulations on becoming the next Mayor of McAllen!”

“Republicans and Hispanics in Texas share common values, and more Hispanics are voting Republican and getting elected as Republicans,” Abbott later added. “They want to help keep Texas Red.”

Villalobos, who is currently a McAllen City Commissioner, beat Veronica Whitacre by a couple hundred votes in the election. Hidalgo County, which is home to McAllen, voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton by more than 40 points in 2016 and went to Democrat Joe Biden by 17 points in 2020.

“Amazing news! McAllen, Texas is a major border town of 140,000 people. 85% Hispanic — and just elected a Republican mayor,” former Trump campaign spokesman Steve Cortes wrote on Twitter. ‘The macro realignment accelerates in South Texas, and elsewhere, as Hispanics rally to America First: Strong Borders, Economic Nationalism, Pro-Police.”

Democrats panicked over the election results, with Sawyer Hackett, Executive Director of Julian Castro’s People First Future, wrote on Twitter: “A GOP county chair just won a race for mayor of McAllen, Texas, a city that’s 85% Latino. Hillary won the county by 40 points. If the Democratic Party doesn’t get serious about Latino outreach, we’re in big trouble.”

Democrat Jon Mark Hogg tweeted: “So Republicans won the McAllen and Fort Worth Mayors races. Someone tell me again how we should stick with our current progressive message and strategy in Texas and not try to appeal to conservative/moderate voters.”

RNC Deputy Communications Director Nathan Brand celebrated the victory, writing on Twitter: “BIG win for Republicans tonight in a border community. Biden’s border crisis has real world ramifications for communities across the country, especially in cities like McAllen.”

“Big mayoral wins in Texas last night! In McAllen, we FLIPPED the Mayoral seat to Republican, while in Ft Worth our turnout efforts ensured that a Republican won over a Texas Democrat,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted. “Both rightly rejected Biden and Harris’ failed policies and voted for the GOP. Whether rejecting a crisis at the border or a squandered economic recovery, these municipalities moved decidedly toward the GOP, because our policies work.”

Political analysts also took note of the victory:

“Hispanic Republicans, especially women, have become something of political rock stars in South Texas after voters in the Rio Grande Valley shocked leaders in both parties in November by swinging sharply toward the G.O.P,” The New York Times reported last month. “That conservative surge — and the liberal decline — has buoyed the Republican Party’s hopes about its ability to draw Hispanic voters into what has long been an overwhelmingly white political coalition and to challenge Democrats in heavily Latino regions across the country.”

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Source: Dailywire

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