Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) announced Monday that a doctor who was suspended from his job due to a vaccine mandate implemented by President Joe Biden has been reinstated.

“Jeff, a Florida doctor I met in Brandon at the Special Session bill signing, was suspended from his job due to Biden’s mandate,” DeSantis announced. “He has now been reinstated due to our efforts to stop this heavy-handed federal mandate.”

“Freedom has a home here in Florida,” the governor added.

In mid-November, DeSantis ventured to Brandon, Florida, to sign bills against POTUS’ federal requirement. Notably, the location of the signing was a clear troll of the president, in reference to the popularized anti-Biden/media “Let’s Go Brandon” chant.

“We’re really excited to be here, especially because when I sign this legislation today, we hear so much about all these things: mandates, restrictions, tearing people down,” the governor announced at the time, The Daily Wire reported. “Today, we lift people up. We provide protections for people: no nurse, no firefighter, no police officer, no trucker, no anybody should lose their job because of these COVID jabs.”

“This is the strongest piece of legislation that’s been enacted anywhere in the country in this regard. … We are respecting people’s individual freedom in this state,” he declared.

DeSantis emphasized to the press that “what Biden is doing is not constitutional.”

“There has never been a federal vaccine mandate imposed on the general public,” he said, adding, “And so the question is: do we even have a Constitution that constrains people like Biden, or is it just when he loses patience he can do whatever the hell he wants to? No. I’ll take the Constitution, thank you very much.”

Gov. DeSantis has routinely led the way in treatment against the COVID virus — including vital antibody treatment — and vaccination availability while maintaining freedom of choice for Floridians.

As highlighted by Blaze Media, a newly released “Freedom in the 50 States” index from the Cato Institute ranked states with Republican governors leading eight of the 10 most free states. Florida ranked overall at number two. Here’s the top ten:

  1. New Hampshire – Republican Governor
  2. Florida – Republican Governor
  3. Nevada – Democratic Governor
  4. Tennessee – Republican – Governor
  5. South Dakota – Republican Governor
  6. Indiana – Republican Governor
  7. Michigan – Democratic Governor
  8. Georgia – Republican Governor
  9. Arizona – Republican Governor
  10. Idaho – Republican Governor

“Meanwhile,” Blaze Media reported, “eight of the states with the worst freedom ratings were led by Democratic governors.”

  1. New York – Democratic Governor
  2. Hawaii – Democratic Governor
  3. California – Democratic Governor
  4. New Jersey – Democratic Governor
  5. Oregon – Democratic Governor
  6. Maryland – Republican Governor
  7. Delaware – Democratic Governor
  8. Vermont – Republican Governor
  9. New Mexico – Democratic Governor
  10. Rhode Island – Democratic Governor

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Source: Dailywire

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