Just weeks after President Joe Biden announced he would be withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan, an Afghan translator who had helped the U.S. Army was beheaded by the Taliban. Now, others who helped Americans during the 20-year war worry they will be next as the terrorist group takes over the region.

CNN reported that that Sohail Pardis “was driving from his home in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul to nearby Khost province to pick up his sister for the upcoming Eid holiday celebrations to mark the end of Ramadan.” During the trip, Pardis’ vehicle was stopped at a checkpoint by members of the Taliban. Pardis feared for his life, having previously confided in a friend that he had received death threats from the Taliban for aiding the U.S. He accelerated his vehicle, but the Taliban shot at the vehicle, causing it to swerve and stop, according to witnesses. Members of the terrorist organization “then dragged Pardis out of the vehicle and beheaded him,” CNN reported.

Pardis told his friend and co-worker Abdulhaq Ayoubi just days before his death that the Taliban had discovered he had worked as a translator and were sending him death threats.

“They were telling him you are a spy for the Americans, you are the eyes of the Americans and you are infidel, and we will kill you and your family,” Ayoubi told CNN.

From the outlet:

Pardis was one of thousands of Afghan interpreters who worked for the US military and now face persecution by the Taliban, as the group gains control of wider swaths of the country.

In a statement issued in June, the Taliban said it would not harm those who worked alongside foreign forces. A Taliban spokesperson told CNN that they were attempting to verify the details of the incident but said some incidents are not what they are portrayed to be.

But those who spoke to CNN said their lives are now under threat as the Taliban launch revenge attacks following the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. At the height of the war, there were about 100,000 US troops in the country, as part of a NATO force.

This fear has led some 18.000 Afghans who worked in various roles for the U.S. military to apply for a Special Immigrant Visa program that would allow them entry to America.

As The Daily Wire previously reported, Biden announced in mid-April that his administration would pull all U.S. military from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021 – the 20-year anniversary of the 2001 terror attacks on New York City, which killed more than 3,000 Americans. Biden later revised his timeline to have the troops out at the end of August.

Biden’s decision came after the Trump administration in February 2020 signed a deal with NATO allies and the Taliban, committing to removing U.S. troops if the Taliban agreed to stop attacking U.S., NATO, and other foreign military troops, The Daily Wire reported. Biden in March 2021 announced his administration would renegotiate the deal.

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Source: Dailywire

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