On Wednesday, Dr. Elana Yaron Fishbein, the founder of the group No Left Turn in Education, blasted the Biden administration’s DOJ after the Biden Justice Department ordered the FBI to investigate alleged “threats” against school board members and teachers. The move, however, comes as parents have been voicing opposition to Critical Race Theory and mask mandates.

Fishbein, a mother of three and Doctor of Social Work who earned her doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania and specialized in child welfare after having grown up in Israel and serving in the IDF, appeared on Fox News with Tucker Carlson.

Carlson began by asking about the National School Boards Association (NSBA) writing a letter to the DOJ in which they stated, “As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes. As such, NSBA requests a joint expedited review by the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Homeland Security …”

He asked, “You have made a particularly eloquent case for why the schools should just teach your kids academics. How does it feel to be designated a ‘domestic terrorist’ for demanding that?”

“Well, that is funny that when I was on your show [the] first time, I was a ‘concerned parent,’” Fishbein answered. “And look what happened within a year: I was elevated to the status of ‘domestic terrorist’ by the DOJ and the Biden administration. This is indeed appalling, outrageous, insane, that the DOJ is weaponizing the FBI [to target those] who oppose the policies and actions of the school boards. This is something that should be very worrisome to every citizen in our country.”

“And the media are defending it,” Carlson said. “This may be the low point that I’ve ever seen in thirty years of watching. I have to ask; I don’t think you’re going to be intimidated by this. You told us last time you came to this country in part for the education; you’re clearly tough and single-minded. But there are parents, don’t you think, who will be intimidated into silence?”

“Indeed, and that’s one of their biggest weapons: it’s the weapon of terrorists to intimidate the opposition so there will not be any opposition,” Fishbein charged. “However, that’s a central part of my work and my movement, ‘No Left Turn In Education,’ to mobilize parents, to empower them, so we expose what they are doing in schools. Therefore, our parents all over the country in many states are going to school boards and are going together so they won’t be intimidated, so they can support each other and insist on exposing specifically what’s being taught in classes.”

“This is really very puzzling; why we as parents cannot see what specific material our kids are learning in classes,” she asserted. “Why do we have, in fact, to pay money in order to file under the Freedom of Information Act so we can get some look at what they are doing with our children, while our children are in classes? In fact, you had on your show Sean, our chapter head from Maine, who has been harassed by the school board to the point —”

Carlson: “To the point that he had to move.”

“That’s right,” Fishbein agreed. “And Nicole Solas in Rhode Island. The teachers’ unions are suing her because she insisted on getting the full record of what her kids are being taught in school.”

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