A woman who served as the Fort Worth Independent School District’s Racial Equity Committee Co-Chair has resigned in the wake of having doxed white parents who had sued the district over its vaccine mandate.

Norma Garcia-Lopez not only released the phone number and addresses of four families along with one parent’s employer and work address on Facebook, she left a nasty voicemail for one mother, ranting, “F**** you, you stupid b****. F**** you with your white privilege, not caring about the well-being of others, f*** you.”

Garcia-Lopez also wrote in a later-deleted tweet: “It’s astounding what the ‘White Privilege’ power from Tanglewood has vs a whole diverse community that cares for the well being of others.  These are their names: [names of three parents] and a coward Jane Doe. Internet do your thang,” as Fox News reported.

The four parents had won a temporary injunction in August against the vaccine mandate.

Prior to resigning, Garcia-Lopez defended releasing the information, stating to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: “Some people consider my actions doxxing. It’s not doxxing when you expose someone who filed a public motion in a public court of law that impacts public school children.”

She also commented on her abusive voicemail prior to her resignation, claiming, “My message contained harsh language — no threats. Some people find my choice of words in that message offensive. But what’s really offensive is that four white parents could hold so much power.”

In the resignation letter that she emailed, Garcia-Lopez referred to attacks made on her subsequent to the revelation of her doxing as being perpetrated by “white supremacists” as she wrote:

I am writing to inform [Fort Worth Independent School District] that it has become necessary for me to resign from my volunteer positions with the District, including as a member and co-chair of the Racial Equity Committee and as a member of the Redistricting Committee. Every student in FWISD deserves equity and respect. That is my passion and reason for serving on those committees. I cannot allow the vile and relentless attacks on me by white supremacists to distract from or overshadow the continued pursuit of equity in FWISD. That work is too vital. Please notify the appropriate FWISD staff and committee members of my resignation.

Carlos Turcios, a former member of the school district’s Racial Equity Committee, slammed the school district for its lack of punitive action toward Garcia-Lopez, asserting to Fox News, “It is unacceptable that the ISD is not holding the co-chair accountable for her actions. She doxxed parents and financially impacted one of the parents’ businesses. What type of leadership is the committee and FWISD showing to its students? That bullying and intimidation are OK? That it’s fine to leave voicemails harassing parents if they disagree with you?”

Fort Worth Independent School District spokeswoman Claudia Garibay noted, “Ms. Norma Garcia-Lopez is a community member, not an employee of the District, and has voluntarily relinquished her position as co-chair of the Racial Equity Committee.”

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Source: Dailywire

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