On Friday, April Fools’ Day, social media was replete with posts using the opportunity to mock Joe Biden’s presidency, as conservatives targeted him with sarcasm. Some posts, among the many that were posted, are shown below.

First, just for variety, we begin with a renowned leftist using his deft wit to use obvious hyperbole to mock the awe-inspiring Biden presidency. Unless he’s serious, of course.

“It’s long past time that we acknowledge the sure handed, effective, grace under fire, success of Joe Biden’s Presidency.”

Now that we’ve absorbed that, here we go:

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are competent and in charge.”

“Hoping Joe Biden gets on TV today and admits his whole policy agenda was just one big April Fools’ joke. But don’t hold your breath.”

“April fool’s Day is canceled because nothing could be a bigger joke that [sic] the joke that’s running our country right now!!!”

“Breaking: Joe Biden signs executive order to restore Presidency to Donald Trump in historic moment of humility & total recall.”

“Joe Biden is the greatest president ever was”

“With the Biden regime running the country, every day is April Fools.”

“The entire country out here today hoping Joe Biden’s presidency is just an April Fool’s joke.”

We turn to more serious takes:

“April Fools is dead because every joke is now reality.”

“Parents: This should be an April Fools’ joke. Unfortunately, @SecBecerra @POTUS are not fooling in their crusade to poison your kid’s minds and damage their bodies with a reckless gender ‘affirmation’ agenda. … Puberty blockers are NOT reversible in damage to brain and bone development. Cross-sex hormones destroy sexual function and fertility.”

In January, after Biden referred to Russian president Vladimir Putin and his intentions regarding Ukraine, saying, “My guess is he will move in; he has to do something. … And it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do,” Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott slammed him, snapping, “What’s a minor incursion?… Maybe like 2,000 people die, 5,000 people die, that would be a minor one? If 100,000 die, that would be a major one?”

“This is a joke,” Scott continued. Biden is a complete joke with regard to foreign policy. Why is Putin doing this? Because he knows Biden is weak. Biden would rather have ice cream with somebody than stand up for Americans. … It’s a disaster. I mean, Biden’s a clown. Biden’s never been a serious person. He’s just a talker. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, that’s all he’s ever done.”

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Source: Dailywire

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