Popular podcast host Joe Rogan posted a video to his Instagram account Sunday addressing how he’s “handling all this bulls***.”

“When people are like, ‘how are you handling all this bulls***?’ I send them this,” the “Joe Rogan Experience” host captioned a video of him and his buddies out to dinner.

“Plus I’m on [mushrooms],” the host added, in classic Rogan fashion.

The 54 year old has been the target of an intense censorship campaign by the Left over the past couple weeks. Liberal musicians have pulled their music from Spotify, demanding “The Joe Rogan Experience” be removed from the audio platform; media figures have run smears against the host; and even the White House has suggested Rogan should be censored.

Rogan last week posted a video to Instagram addressing accusations of supposed COVID “misinformation” being spread on his podcast.

“The podcast has been accused of spreading ‘dangerous misinformation,” Rogan said in a video posted to Instagram. 

“The problem I have with the term ‘misinformation,’ especially today, is that many of the things that we thought of as ‘misinformation’ just a short while ago are now accepted as fact,” he explained.

“For instance, eight months ago, if you said, ‘if you get vaccinated, you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID,’ you’d be removed from social media, they would ban you from certain platforms. Now, that’s accepted as fact,” Rogan continued. “If you said, I don’t think cloth masks work, you would be banned from social media. Now that’s openly and repeatedly stated on CNN. If you said I think it’s possible that COVID-19 came from a lab, you’d be banned from many social media platforms – now that’s on the cover of Newsweek.”

Then, early Saturday morning, Rogan posted another video addressing his use of the N-word on past podcast episodes. “There’s been a lot of s*** from the old episodes of the podcast that I wish I hadn’t said, or had said differently. This is my take on the worst of it,” he captioned the post. 

“I never used it to be racist, because I’m not racist,” Rogan said in the video. “But whenever you’re in a situation where you have to say, ‘I’m not racist,’ you f***ed up. And I clearly have f***ed up.”

Spotify CEO Daniel Ek said Sunday he was not going to remove Rogan from the platform.

“While I strongly condemn what Joe has said and I agree with his decision to remove past episodes from our platform, I realize some will want more,” Ek said. “And I want to make one point very clear – I do not believe that silencing Joe is the answer. We should have clear lines around content and take action when they are crossed, but canceling voices is a slippery slope. Looking at the issue more broadly, it’s critical thinking and open debate that powers real and necessary progress.”

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Source: Dailywire

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