On Sunday, the day after the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks launched by the terrorist group al Qaeda that murdered roughly 3,000 Americans, famed journalist Lara Logan slammed Twitter for permitting the Taliban, which America attacked in 2001 for harboring al Qaeda, to freely use Twitter while Twitter censored Americans.

Along with a video showing Anas Haqqani, a leader of the Haqqani network, she tweeted: “Twitter has no problem censoring Americans & giving a platform to the Haqqani network that has killed thousands of Afghan civilians and more than 10 000 Afghan soldiers & policemen — by conservative estimates. Has America surrendered to tyranny in all forms?”

“The Haqqani network is blamed for some of the deadliest and most shocking attacks in Afghanistan during the last two decades. They have been designated a foreign terrorist group by the United States, and are also under United Nations sanctions,” France 24 noted, adding, “The Haqqanis have a reputation for frequently using suicide bombers — including drivers in cars and trucks packed with huge amounts of explosives — and have demonstrated the ability to carry out complex, high-casualty assaults on major targets including military installations and embassies.”

Prior to the 9/11 attacks, in October 1999, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1267, which created the al-Qaeda and Taliban Sanctions Committee, linking the two groups as terrorist entities. The resolution stated:

Strongly condemning the continuing use of Afghan territory, especially areas controlled by the Taliban, for the sheltering and training of terrorists and planning of terrorist acts, and reaffirming its conviction that the suppression of international terrorism is essential for the maintenance of international peace and security. Deploring the fact that the Taliban continues to provide safe haven to Usama bin Laden and to allow him and others associated with him to operate a network of terrorist training camps from Taliban-controlled territory and to use Afghanistan as a base from which to sponsor international terrorist operations …

Noting the indictment of Usama bin Laden and his associates by the UnitedStates of America for, inter alia, the 7 August 1998 bombings of the UnitedStates embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and forconspiring to kill American nationals outside the United States, and noting alsothe request of the United States of America to the Taliban to surrender them fortrial (S/1999/1021). Determining that the failure of the Taliban authorities to respond to the demands in paragraph 13 of resolution 1214 (1998) constitutes a threat tointernational peace and security. …

Demands that the Taliban turn over Usama bin Laden without further delay to appropriate authorities in a country where he has been indicted, or to appropriate authorities in a country where he will be returned to such a country, or to appropriate authorities in a country where he will be arrested and effectively brought to justice …

After the 9/11 attacks, in October 2001, the U.S. launched air strikes on al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in Afghanistan.

The 9/11 Memorial & Museum states:

On September 20, 2001, in a speech to a joint session of Congress, former President George W. Bush asserted: “Any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.” No distinction was made between a harboring state and the terrorists it was harboring. The U.S. government insisted that the Taliban immediately hand over the terrorists and close the training camps or face an attack from the United States. When they refused, “Operation Enduring Freedom” was launched on October 7, 2001, less than a month after the attacks of 9/11.

The Council on Foreign Relations recalled how successful the initial phase of the war was, “The Taliban regime unravels rapidly after its loss at Mazar-e-Sharif on November 9, 2001, to forces loyal to Abdul Rashid Dostum, an ethnic Uzbek military leader. Over the next week Taliban strongholds crumble after coalition and Northern Alliance offensives on Taloqan (11/11), Bamiyan (11/11), Herat (11/12), Kabul (11/13), and Jalalabad (11/14).” 

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Source: Dailywire

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