Liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald unloaded on leftists who are advocating for censorship of differing ideas, primarily focused on the obsessive efforts by some to deplatform “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, which is hosted by Joe Rogan, who, ironically, holds political views that are generally liberal.

“The Pressure Campaign on Spotify to Remove Joe Rogan Reveals the Religion of Liberals: Censorship,” Greenwald titled his piece, which is published on Substack, an online publishing platform.

“All factions, at certain points, succumb to the impulse to censor. But for the Democratic Party’s liberal adherents, silencing their adversaries has become their primary project,” asserted the journalist.

Referring to a Washington Post article attacking the free speech platform of Substack, Greenwald noted of “political heiress” Chelsea Clinton promoting censorship on the platform.

Greenwald specifically ripped into Clinton for her audacity to call others with differing views “grifters,” noting of the lucrative gigs the 41-year-old has had handed to her “despite no qualification” because of her parents, and other elite connections, like her husband and convicted child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. Greenwald wrote:

This [Washington] Post attack on Substack predictably provoked expressions of Serious Concern from good and responsible liberals. That included Chelsea Clinton, who lamented that Substack is profiting off a “grift.” Apparently, this political heiress — who is one of the world’s richest individuals by virtue of winning the birth lottery of being born to rich and powerful parents, who in turn enriched themselves by cashing in on their political influence in exchange for $750,000 paychecks from Goldman Sachs for 45-minute speeches, and who herself somehow was showered with a $600,000 annual contract from NBC News despite no qualifications — believes she is in a position to accuse others of “grifting.” She also appears to believe that — despite welcoming convicted child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell to her wedding to a hedge fund oligarch whose father was expelled from Congress after his conviction on thirty-one counts of felony fraud — she is entitled to decree who should and should not be allowed to have a writing platform.

Clinton last week condemned Substack online, posting, “Anti-vaxx grift going strong – why is Substack facilitating science denialists’ ability to profit from destructive lies (and comfortable profiting themselves)?”

Last month, Greenwald ripped the mainstream media, identifying the one moment in coverage of the pandemic he says destroyed trust in the media: the George Floyd protests.

“This was a pivotal moment in the pandemic’s history,” Greenwald said online. “For 4 months, the message was clear and unrelenting: everyone must stay home. Those who leave – even to go to a deserted beach – are reckless sociopaths. It flipped overnight to endorse a mass protest movement liberals liked.”

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Source: Dailywire

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