To liberals, Thanksgiving is a horror holiday that promotes genocide and white supremacy.

“What is Thanksgiving to Indigenous people? ‘A day of mourning,’” a USA Today headline on Tuesday said.

“For many, rather than a celebration of peace and shared prosperity between Native Americans and Pilgrims, Thanksgiving represents the dark shadow of genocide and the resilience of Native people,” said the piece. “Every tribe and every individual may have a different way of spending Thanksgiving. Some will gather with their families and share a meal, exchanging prayers and stories from the rich oral history of Native Americans. Others will fast for the entire day.”

The paper quoted American Indian Dennis W. Zotigh saying that Thanksgiving is “a day of mourning.” “To most natives, Thanksgiving is not a celebration,” Zotigh said. “Natives, particularly in the New England area, remember this attempted genocide as a factual part of their history and are reminded each year during the modern Thanksgiving.”

A weather service called Currently also posted an article Tuesday suggesting that Americans who celebrate the holiday are “hurting” the Native American community.

“Thanksgiving will be celebrated by many people across the country,” the service said on Twitter. “The holiday perpetuates in a false narrative, that spins the true history of genocide and colonization into a light and largely false story.”

A writer at the Pennsylvania Capital-Star also wrote a piece that said: “When the Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower in 1620, they didn’t bring thanks. They didn’t even give thanks. Instead, they brought racist genocide and gave nothing.”

In the piece, headlined, “Celebrating Thanksgiving is celebrating racist genocide,” author Michael Coard wrote that the Pilgrims “eventually succeeded in mass killing and mass land robbery not because they were smarter or stronger but because they were sadistically evil racists who initiated the use of a weapon of mass destruction that previously had been unheard of on this land.”

“Thanksgiving, as an American holiday, is a celebration of that racist genocide and massive land robbery,” he wrote.

Meanwhile, lifestyle media company Green Matters posted an article this week that declared Thanksgiving is “bad.”

“Not only is Thanksgiving offensive to Indigenous people, but it glorifies colonialism, slavery, and even epidemics,” the article said. “Many Americans who celebrate Thanksgiving have no idea just how cruel the holiday’s origins are, while those who do may choose to either boycott the holiday, or just use it as an excuse to express general gratitude, gather with family, and eat comfort foods.”

The piece, headlined “Thanksgiving Glorifies the Abhorrent Colonization of Indigenous Peoples,” also took aim at the custom of eating turkey on the holiday.

“There is actually no written evidence that turkeys were eaten at the 1621 Thanksgiving. As The New York Times reports, many experts believe some sort of wild bird, such as ducks, geese, or turkeys were hunted, cooked, and served at the feast, alongside produce,” said Green Matters.

“Every year, Americans breed, kill, and eat around 46 million turkeys on Thanksgiving — and there’s really no reason for this cruel and unsustainable tradition. These days, there are so many vegan turkey alternatives on the market, which are all more compassionate and environmentally-friendly choices.”

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Source: Dailywire

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