Within hours of its publication, “Johnny the Walrus,” penned by Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, has been ranked among the top-selling books on Amazon.

The book, which tackles the issue of radical transgender ideology foisted on children, hit the number one spot on the Amazon Movers & Shakers list, which highlights the site’s biggest gainers in sales rank and is updated every hour.

“Embracing my true calling as a children’s author, I have written ‘Johnny the Walrus,’ a tale about an imaginative young boy who pretends to be a walrus,” Walsh told The Daily Wire.

“The success of the book proves that people are tired of the children’s book market being dominated by left wing propaganda,” he added. “Also, it indicates perhaps that there is a mostly untapped interest in walruses.”

The book will teach children that there is a difference between reality and make-believe, and parents will learn that a child’s imaginative whims should not be turned into a full blown identity crisis, noted Walsh.

“There are dozens of children’s books brainwashing kids into the gender identity cult where they are taught that identity is malleable and biology is meaningless,” the author said. “This book is meant to be an antidote to that madness.”

Announcing the book’s launch Tuesday evening with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Walsh explained that the book illustrates that “if a young boy says that he’s a girl, it doesn’t mean that he actually is a girl.”

“See, the point here is that biology is not malleable, it’s not relative, it’s an objective reality,” emphasized Walsh.

“It’s all about a child,” the author said. “He’s very imaginative and pretends to be different things. … And one day, he pretends to be a walrus.”

“Unfortunately, his [Johnny’s] mother is very progressive,” the author explains. She gets convinced by the internet “to raise her child as a walrus — as a sort of trans-walrus, respecting his ‘self-identity.’”

The mother in the story “starts to learn … just because your child is pretending to be something, doesn’t mean he actually is that.”

The book’s description reads as follows: “Johnny is a little boy with a big imagination. One day he pretends to be a big scary dinosaur, the next day he’s a knight in shining armor or a playful puppy. But when the internet people find out Johnny likes to make-believe, he’s forced to make a decision between the little boy he is and the things he pretends to be — and he’s not allowed to change his mind.”

“Johnny the Walrus” is tagged as a “timely tale of innocence, identity, and imagination.”

Carlson, who has read the book, told his viewers, “Not only is it true, it is really, really funny.”

“You’re gonna wanna buy six copies for Christmas,” the Fox News host added. “Trust us, it’s worth it.”

Daily Wire’s vice president of publishing and editorial Alyssa Cordova noted that the book takes on a very serious issue in a light-hearted and smart style that has launched Walsh to become “one of America’s most influential conservative voices.”

“The Daily Wire’s mission is to hold the radical left accountable, stand up to tyranny, and take back the culture,” Cordova said. “‘Johnny the Walrus’ exposes the absurdity of the extreme gender ideology that many progressives are attempting to impose on children across our nation in the light-hearted, yet smart, style that has made Matt one of America’s most influential conservative voices.”

“Johnny the Walrus” is published by the Daily Wire, and makes a great holiday gift. The book is available on Amazon at JohnnyTheWalrus.com.

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Source: Dailywire

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