Hollywood actor couple Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally told Russian President Vladimir Putin to “f*** off an go home” while the duo hosted the 2022 Independent Spirit Awards.

“After returning from a commercial break, the co-hosts took a moment to show their solidarity with and support for Ukraine,” reported The Hollywood Reporter on Sunday. “Offerman began by telling the audience that they’d like to send best wishes ‘to those affected by the war in Ukraine and all unjust conflicts around the world.’”

“I think we speak for everyone here when we say we are hoping for a quick and peaceful resolution. Specifically, f*** off and go home Putin,” Mullally chimed in, sparking applause.

Offerman then asked the audience “to send Putin off ‘with a Spirit Awards salute’ as he and Mullally both held up their middle fingers to the camera,” the report noted.

Notably, actress AnnaLynne McCord last month issued a public plea to Putin via a dramatic poetry reading posted to social media.

“McCord, best known for her turns as Eden Lord on the F/X series ‘Nip/Tuck’ and Naomi Clark on the recent ‘90210’ reboot, shared a video of herself reading a poem that appeared to suggest Putin’s aggression toward Ukraine was driven by a lack of love from his mother when he was a child,” The Daily Wire reported. You can read the poem, below:

Dear Mister President Vladimir Putin, I am so sorry that I was not your mother.

If I was your mother, You would have been so loved, Held in the arms of joyous light, Never would this story’s plight, The world unfurled before our eyes, A pure demise of nation sitting peaceful under a night sky.

If I was your mother, The world would have been warm, So much laughter and joy, Nothing would harm. I can’t imagine the the stain, the soul-stealing pain, That the little boy you must have seen and believed, And the formulation of thought quickly taught that you lived in a cruel unjust world.

Is this why you now decide no one will get the best of you? Is this why you do not hide nor away shy from taking back the world? Was it because so early in that life, all that strife wracked your little body with fear?

If I was your mother, if the world was cold, I’d have died to make you warm, I’d have dies to protect you from the unjust, the violence, the terror, the uncertainty, I would have died to give you life.

Oh, dear, Mister President Putin, If only I’d been your mother. Perhaps the torture of unwrite youth would not within your heart imbue ascription to such fealty ‘gainst that world that you thought was so cruel. Perhaps you would hold dear human life and on this night, instead of Mother Russia, you would call me and I would set your mind quite free with the love that only a mother can give and only a mother can take away when holds she doesn’t harm at bay, And leaves her boy for the promise of a man.

Whatever your story, Mister President Putin, I can’t imagine how it feels in your heart, but I know if I was your mother, that would be a start towards the awareness of what a powerful being of light you could be if your mind was only free from the violence you’ve seen when you were just two or three, I cannot believe I was born too late, in a different place, when I would have loved you so, watched you play wherever you go.

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Source: Dailywire

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