A visitor to Crystal Cove State Park in California recently discovered a nightmare-inducing anglerfish washed up on shore.

The fish is believed to be a Pacific football fish that usually lives more than 2,000 feet below the surface, where no natural light is found in the pitch-black depths. “Though the fish itself is quite common, it’s hardly ever found outside that environment,” noted CNN.

According to the state park, no one understands how or why the terrifying fish washed up on the California shore.

“Photographs of the fish show the ‘prehistoric’ and ‘nightmarish’ looking specimen, which is jet black in color with a round body and intimidating jaws,” wrote the Independent.

“The Pacific footballfish has a unique look as it uses bioluminescent lures at the tips of a fishing-pole-like projection from its own head to attract prey in the dark, murky depths of the sea,” explained The Hill.

Crystal Cove State Park shared a photograph of the dead fish on their Instagram page, writing “Last Friday morning an incredible deep sea fish washed up on shore in Crystal Cove State Park’s Marine Protected Area (MPA).”

“There are more than 200 species of angler fish worldwide and this particular fish is most likely the Pacific Football Fish. Only females possess a long stalk on the head with bioluminescent tips used as a lure to entice prey in the darkness of waters as deep as 3,000 feet!” the post continued. “Their teeth, like pointed shards of glass, are transparent and their large mouth is capable of sucking up and swallowing prey the size of their own body.”

“While females can reach lengths of 24 inches males only grow to be about an inch long and their sole purpose is to find a female and help her reproduce. Males latch onto the female with their teeth and become ‘sexual parasites,’ eventually coalescing with the female until nothing is left of their form but their testes for reproduction. Wild!” Crystal Cove State Park added. “To see an actual angler fish intact is very rare and it is unknown how or why the fish ended up on the shore. Seeing this strange and fascinating fish is a testament to the diversity of marine life lurking below the water’s surface in California’s MPAs and as scientists continue to learn more about these deep sea creatures it’s important to reflect on how much is still to be learned from our wonderful ocean.”

Many on social media noted that the angler fish resembles the creature featured in Disney’s “Finding Nemo.”

“Davey’s Locker Sportfishing & Whale Watching, which is based in the area, said that state park rangers and lifeguards were alerted to a ‘weird looking fish,’” reported the BBC, adding that “The California Department of Fish & Wildlife has taken possession of the fish.”

The fish will likely be moved to a museum or educational institution.

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Source: Dailywire

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