On Wednesday afternoon, the Vice Chair of the Oregon Democrats Black Caucus suggested that employers give their black employees at least one day off and possibly two after the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is delivered because no matter what the verdict would be, it would be hard for black people to work and it wouldn’t be fair to expect them to.

Gregory McKelvey tweeted, “Employers, consider giving your Black employees a day or two off after the Rittenhouse verdict. Regardless of the outcome, it’s going to be hard for Black people to work and it isn’t fair to expect them to.”

Backlash came fast and furious:

Sports commentator Jason Whitlock, who is also black, tweeted succinctly, “This is insanity.”

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh: “Everyone involved was white. Stop making this about yourself you damned narcissist.”

Right Wing News founder John Hawkins: “White rioters try to kill white non-rioter who kills them instead. Black Americans hardest hit or something…”

Author Chad Felix Greene: “The only people who should be experiencing stress or anxiety over this trial should be lawful gun owners who witnessed a legitimate self-defense, caught on video, turned into a show trial and the media declaring the victim guilty based on politics and this nonsense below.”

The Daily Wire’s Mairead Elordi, who covered the initial stages of the trial, “He’s a white guy who shot other white guys.”

The New York Post reported, “Officials and businesses in Kenosha are also fearing a repeat of the violent upheaval that rocked the city of about 100,000 people in August last year after the police shooting of Jacob Blake. … Photos show numerous buildings with boarded-up windows — many seemingly still there from the first round of riots last year that saw Black Lives Matter protesters often torching black-owned local businesses.”

The Daily Wire reported on Tuesday, “In preparation for violence following the verdict, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has also ordered 500 National Guard troops into state active duty to support hundreds of law enforcement officers.”

“We continue to be in close contact with our partners at the local level to ensure the state provides support and resources to help keep the Kenosha community and greater area safe,” Evers said. “The Kenosha community has been strong, resilient, and has come together through incredibly difficult times these past two years, and that healing is still ongoing. I urge folks who are otherwise not from the area to please respect the community by reconsidering any plans to travel there and encourage those who might choose to assemble and exercise their First Amendment rights to do so safely and peacefully.”

“We stand ready to support our communities during times of need,” added Maj. Gen. Paul Knapp, Wisconsin’s adjutant general. “In close coordination with the governor, we have assembled approximately 500 Soldiers to help keep the Kenosha community safe, should a request from our local partners come in.”

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Source: Dailywire

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