A recall election of the San Francisco School Board president and two other board members is set for Tuesday. 

After making headlines for far-Left policies over the past year, the San Francisco school board is facing a recall election of its president and two members. 

The San Francisco school board has been the center of attention around the country for specific actions the board has taken.

Specifically, the board was planning to rename schools that were supposedly offensive and named after people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln.

They also got rid of merit-based admissions at a high school because most of the students were Asian, so they changed it with a lottery system. Their decision was later changed in court.

As The Associated Press reported, “The vote blindsided the community, and a court ultimately reversed the decision, finding in favor of a Lowell alumni group that sued the board. The group argued the board failed to place the vote on its agenda, violating California’s open meetings law.”

In December, they took similar action.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported, “Students hoping to get into San Francisco’s prestigious Lowell High School next fall will face a lottery system again, after the city’s school board voted Thursday to extend the mostly random admission process for another year.”

“With the upcoming admission season already started, Superintendent Vince Matthews asked the board for a one-year extension of the temporary lottery process. The board must go through another public process to make the change permanent at the school, which serves nearly 3,000 students,” the outlet added.

One of the board members who is being recalled, Allison Collins, also tweeted some anti-Asian sentiments in the past. 

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the timeline of the school board’s controversial issues.

On March 20, 2021, “School board member Alison Collins is criticized over 2016 tweets in which she wrote that some Asian Americans used white supremacist thinking to assimilate and ‘get ahead.’ The discovery of the tweets prompts calls for her resignation from community groups, parents, city and school district officials. The school board then strips Collins of vice presidency and committee seats,” the outlet noted. 

After she was removed from her positions, Collins sued for $87 million dollars as a result, but a judge dismissed the lawsuit last year.

The parents who started the recall attempt have said it came out of issues with the board doing things like handling a budget crisis incorrectly and also not focusing on reopening schools in the pandemic.

“It comes down to incompetence,” Siva Raj, a father who helped lead the recall effort, said per the Associated Press. “The message we want to send is, if you don’t do the job you are elected do — your primary responsibility is to educate our children — you’re fired.”

Even the liberal Mayor of San Francisco London Breed (D) has backed the recall. 

In November, Breed said, “They have become a distraction, and if they really genuinely cared about our kids they’d get out of the way and allow us to move forward with people who understand financial management and who understand the need to put children before anything, before politics…”

Some people who are against the recall point out how the recall election essentially using taxpayer money to hold the election when the normal election is scheduled for November.

“Having an election at an unusual time means that fewer San Franciscans and less diverse San Franciscans will have our voices heard,” Julie Roberts-Phung, one of the organizers of the “No School Board Recall” campaign, said in November to outlet KTVU.

As for the details of the recall election, each of the individual members will be voted on, so all of them could be stripped of their roles, or a few of them could be. If the members are removed, Mayor Breed selects and appoints new members for the rest of the four-year term.

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Source: Dailywire

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