ABC’s “The View” got heated Friday when Sunny Hostin leveled simultaneous attacks at both co-host Ana Navarro and guest, former White House press secretary under President Donald Trump, Stephanie Grisham.

Hostin and Navarro both started in on Grisham early in the show, asking why it took her so long to leave the West Wing if she truly had been repulsed by her boss — but then Hostin turned on Navarro as well, bringing race into the conversation when she demanded to know how Navarro squared being Latina with also being a Republican.

Co-host Joy Behar kicked off the conversation by attacking the people who still support former President Trump, noting that he was still raising money apparently to fund a new plane.

“They don’t see — these people who are giving him money don’t see the grift here?” Behar asked.

Grisham pushed back, saying that she understood there were people who still believed in him because she used to be one of them.

“I want those people to know that he laughs at them behind closed doors,” Grisham continued. “He does. I want people to know that, and I used to be there. I believed.”

“So for years you heard him do this, right? Laugh behind closed doors. Why did it take so long to find it so objectionable?” Navarro asked.

“I asked the same thing,” Hostin exclaimed, and Grisham said that she had explained it before but would be glad to do so again.

“It’s not just you. There’s an entire — we can fill up an entire library of people right now who were there being accomplices and being his minions for years,” Navarro added. “I think people deserve an explanation.”

“I gave it Tuesday and Wednesday and I’ll give it again today,” Grisham agreed, saying that she had originally worked for First Lady Melania Trump, but that things took a turn when she moved to the West Wing.

She went on to say that she had wanted to leave entirely, but that she was a single mom who still had to pay bills. Then Grisham took a shot at the liberal co-hosts, adding, “I knew because of, I’m sorry, people like yourself who are so against me that I would not be able to get a job anywhere.”

Going back to work for Melania gave her some “protection” from Trump, and her plan was to quietly finish the term until the riot on Capitol Hill happened.

“I said, hell no, I’m done,” she said. “I believed in him and half the country believed in him. When you keep attacking me, you’re attacking a lot of people out there who might want an off ramp, and it shows that —”

“For me it’s not about attacking you. For me it’s attacking and it’s holding accountable all the people —” Navarro pressed.

“I’m looking forward now and trying to change it and I will do everything I can to make sure he’s not elected,” Grisham pushed back.

“Why should people believe you now?” Navarro asked.

“I’m telling them the truth. This is not fun for me,” Grisham explained. “I could be at home with m dogs and family and chickens.”

“Is it not possible for someone to see the light and change in your mind?” Behar asked.

“Four years later? It takes — after what those people on both sides? After the way he treated immigrants? After what he said about Mexicans? After hearing the sexual assault boasts on tape? After seeing him make fun of a disabled reporter? You need four years?” Navarro asked.

“You don’t know the things I stayed in there and stopped. If we want to fight this out for the rest of this, I’m good to go, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry, and I want him to not be ever elected ever again,” Grisham protested.

“Maybe for me it’s a little personal because I took attacks for four years from people who were in that White House,” Navarro explained.

“I have a question for both of you. You’re part of the Republican Party and so are you, which is bizarre to somebody like me,” Hostin said to applause from the audience, turning to attack Navarro. “If we got to talk real, let’s talk real. Why are you, as a Latina, still part of the Republican Party?”

“Because —” Navarro began

“And why are you, having seen it first hand, still part of the Republican Party?” Hostin asked Grisham.

“Trump is not Republican Party,” Grisham replied.

“Is he not?” Hostin demanded.

“He’s not,” Grisham repeated.

“80% of the Republican voters think he should be,” Hostin objected.

“I’ll answer the question you posed as a Latina,” Navarro pushed back. “I think the worst that can happen to a minority group is to have one party take you for granted and think you’re going to vote for them because they have no other option, and to have another party that openly attacks and antagonizes you, and it wasn’t too long ago — it wasn’t Jurassic Park. It wasn’t dinosaurs roaming the earth when there were people like George W. Bush who came out and openly supported the Latino community and were able to get 44% of the vote and so I hope that one day there are two healthy parties competing for our vote and earning our support.”

“That doesn’t help anybody. Liz Cheney is still a Republican. She’s fighting from within the party. It’s important to fight within the party, don’t you think?” Behar asked.

“You know, I think that there’s a time to cut bait, and I think when you have a party that is so sick and so divisive, and so harmful to this country, I think standing in that party makes you complicit,” Hostin said.

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Source: Dailywire

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