A 19-year-old Spanish TikTok influencer with a massive following told fans last month that he’s pro-life, emphasizing that an abortion is “killing someone” — a far cry from leftist language that categorizes abortion procedures as “health care.”

“In a series of videos responding to questions from his followers, Naim Darrechi, 19, who is a musician and author of a book, gave his opinions and thoughts on abortion,” LiveAction reported Friday. “He knew that what he had to say about the controversial topic could cause a stir, but he decided to say it anyway.”

“An abortion is interrupting a life,” Darrechi said on video, addressing his 26 million followers. “When a woman is pregnant, if she doesn’t take anything, if she doesn’t abort, the natural cycle is going to make a life emerge.”

“But here one of the biggest arguments of the people who are in favor of abortion, which is: ‘no, but the fetus does not suffer, that is something that has nothing there, is that it does not suffer,’” the teen added. “Here the question is not whether he suffers or not. The question here is that a life is being taken.”

Darrechi noted that he believes abortion “should not be legal or free, period,” LiveAction reported, “Because it is killing someone.”

Responding to a fan in a follow-up video, Darrechi said he would take on fatherhood “without hesitation” if his girlfriend were to become pregnant unexpectedly. “I would be a father without hesitation. You give me a child and I’ll fall in love with it,” he said. “Giving life to someone and on top of having the responsibility of educating him and being able to teach and guide him is the most beautiful and most precious thing in the world.”

Liberal states like New York have sanctioned abortion until birth, and pro-abortion Democratic politicians have cheered permitting such a gruesome procedure.

Dr. Anthony Levatino, a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist who performed over 1,200 abortions before he became pro-life, spoke to LiveAction in 2016 to describe late-term abortion. The Daily Wire reported:

“At this point, the baby is almost fully developed and viable, meaning he or she could survive outside the womb if the mother were to go into labor prematurely. Because the baby is so large and developed, the procedure takes three or four days to complete,” says Levatino. 

“On day one, the abortionist uses a large needle to inject a drug called Digoxin,” he continues. The drug will be used to cause fatal cardiac arrest, killing the baby. The Digoxin is injected into the baby’s head, torso, or heart via a needle to the mother’s abdomen.

“The baby will feel it,” Levatino says. “Babies at this stage feel pain.”

The mother’s cervix is then opened with sticks of seaweed called laminaria so the woman can give birth to the dead baby.

“While the woman waits for the laminaria to dilate her cervix, she carries her dead baby inside of her for two to three days,” the doctor explains. “On day two, the abortionist replaces the laminaria and may perform a second ultrasound to ensure the baby is dead. If the child is still alive, he administers another lethal dose of Digoxin.”

If the woman cannot make it to the clinic to give birth to the murdered baby, she might be advised to give birth to the child on a toilet, Levatino says. If the woman does make it to the clinic, but the baby does not fully come out, a dilation and evacuation procedure must be performed, meaning “the abortionist will use clamps and forceps to dismember the baby piece by piece.”

“Once the placenta and all the body parts have been removed, the abortion is complete,” he says.

Dr. Levatino has spoken openly about what sparked his dramatic transformation from abortionist to pro-life advocate: specifically, the tragic death of his daughter Heather. After Heather was hit by a car and died in Levatino’s arms, his perspective about the unborn he was aborting changed. It was no longer medical waste on the table, he said, it was somebody’s child. Levatino has vowed to never perform an abortion again and has made it his mission to inform the public about the reality of the heavily-euphemized procedure.

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Source: Dailywire

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