The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development expressed a desire for a “gender-sensitive green recovery.”

In honor of International Women’s Day, the intergovernmental organization placed a “spotlight on the role of women in fighting climate change,” publishing a blog post about the ways in which governments can “take steps towards gender-equitable, greener and fairer societies.”

“To make this a reality, we must shift fiscal and other support to productive investments and sustainable consumption and production patterns that promote gender equality and strengthen inclusive and sustainable growth,” the OECD said. “Putting the rights of women and girls at the centre of transitions to green economies provides an opportunity to address underlying inequalities and secure a more equal and sustainable future for all.

The post argued that “environmental degradation, natural disasters, and climate change affect women differently than men because of different socio-economic and other discriminatory factors” — namely, because women are more likely than men to lose their livelihoods due to “incidences of natural hazards such as droughts, landslides, floods or hurricanes.”

The OECD added that COVID-19 has forced world governments to shift focus away from environmental policy. However, addressing these challenges will provide “the opportunity to build forward better, with greater equality, resilience, and sustainability at the centre of the policymaking.”

“By integrating a gender perspective into environmental policies, governments will be better able to harness the synergies in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda,” the OECD said. “At the same time, policy design that incorporates gender equality considerations, including supporting women’s economic empowerment and social security, addressing unpaid care work, and combating gender-based violence, can also have positive environmental impacts.”

The OECD also pointed out that among 705 “green recovery measures,” only 2.5% “assessed for gender relevance.” In response, the OECD is collaborating with the United Nations to “integrate a green lens in the COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker” — which is “part of the Feminist Action for Climate Justice Action Coalition.”

“With this new tool, policy makers will be better placed to build policy responses that put gender equality and sustainability at the centre of recovery and transformation, bringing us closer to more gender-equal and greener world,” the OECD concluded. 

The OECD, however, advocates for LGBTQ ideology across the globe. For instance, the group suggests that the United States should “reduce the perceived need for unconsented medically unnecessary sex-normalising interventions on intersex minors” and pass the Democratic Party’s Equality Act, which would amend the Civil Rights Act to count “sexual orientation” and “gender ideology” as a protected identity alongside race, religion, and other factors.

The United Nations has likewise pushed for a revision of the world’s notions of gender and sexuality. The organization once suggested replacing “mankind” with “humankind,” “chairman” with “chair,” “congressman” with “legislator,” “businessman” with “representative,” “boyfriend/girlfriend” with “partner,” “salesman” with “salesperson,” “maiden name” with “family name,” and “husband/wife” with “spouse,” among other changes.

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Source: Dailywire

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